Thursday, February 3, 2022

Amnesty to ToI: No double standard in accusing Israel, but not China, of apartheid

But it’s conceivable that Jews living in the Jewish Quarter are considered by the report [to be] illegally living there?

Luther: The reality in terms of what is considered occupied Palestinian territory is that, yes, the Old City is in East Jerusalem. Where do we have a problem, and this is something we put up, is where, for instance, Palestinians in the Old City have been evicted from their homes and, through the support of settler communities, you’ve managed to have a settlement inside a house that was previously a Palestinian house. Yes, that is an example…

It’s about the transfer. Within international law, it’s about the transfer, that is what you have to determine. Whether people, one, are being forcibly evicted from their homes, and then there’s transfer of the occupying country’s population in there.

1 comment:

  1. So yeah, because the Chinese don't transfer the Tibetans and Uighers but instead persecute them into oblivion in their own land, it's okay!
    Besides, AI is using the patronizing definition. Any Arab who freely and legally sells his house to a job is immediately reclassified as having been pushed out by settlers.


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