Thursday, January 6, 2022

Tucker Carlson: Democrats fixation on Jan. 6 reveals their midterm strategy

Let’s be honest, everyone who’s conservative appreciates Ted Cruz. You may not like him, but you’ve got to appreciate him. He’s legitimately smart, and he’s one of the more articulate people to serve in Congress, maybe the most articulate. He doesn’t use a single word by accident. Every word Ted Cruz uses is used intentionally, he’s a lawyer.

He described Jan. 6 as a violent terrorist attack. Of all the things Jan. 6 was, it was definitely not a violent terrorist attack. It wasn’t an insurrection. Was it a riot? Sure. It wasn’t a violent terrorist attack. Sorry. So why are you telling us it was, Ted Cruz? And why are none of your Republican friends who are supposed to be representing us and all of the people who were arrested during this purge saying anything?

What the hell is going on here? You’re making us think the Republican Party is as useless as we suspected it was. That can’t be true. Reassure us, please, Ted Cruz

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