Thursday, January 13, 2022

Suicide hesped?

The only one for whom suicide is to be regarded as a grave sin is “someone with full knowledge of his actions.” That, rabbinic authorities have agreed, is a standard from which almost all suicides are to be judged as falling short. Rabbi Yechiel Epstein, in his classic work the Arukh HaShulchan (Yoreh De’ah 345:5) states, “This is the general principle in connection with suicide: we find any excuse we can and say he acted thus because he was in terror or great pain, or his mind was unbalanced, or he imagined it was right to do what he did because he feared that if he lived he would commit a crime…It is extremely unlikely that a person would commit such an act of folly unless his mind were disturbed.”
כללו של דבר: במאבד עצמו לדעת – תלינן בכל איזה תלייה כל שהוא; כגון לתלות ביראה, או בצער, או שיצא מדעתו, או שסבור היה שזה מצוה לבלי להכשל בעברות אחרות, וכיוצא באלו הדברים, מפני שזהו באמת דבר רחוק שאדם יעשה נבלה כזו בדעת צלולה. צא ולמד משאול הצדיק שנפל על חרבו לבלי יתעללו בו הפלשתים, וכיוצא בזה מקרי אנוס. וכל שכן קטן המאבד עצמו לדעת, דחשוב כשלא לדעת.


  1. Same kind of argument riskin made for gays, that they have no choice or clarity for their actions

  2. Nope!
    Riskin said they did not chose to be gay and therefore are exempt when committing homosexual acts. He claims the halacha does not apply to them. It is a lifetime pass to be a homosexual. Thus no need to encourage abstinence'. In other words patur and mutar
    The Aruch Hashulchan says a person can be overcome by mental illness or suffering and therefore is not considered a suicide. He died once it is not an open heter to continue and he should be aided to stop him frim killing himself. The act is prohibited but he could not help himself

  3. I'm not convinced riskin gave heter l'chatchila. He said it fits into oness, mental (disorder) genetic wiring. In other words mental illness.
    Which is essentially what you are arguing for gun boy wilder.
    Also, since when did the aruckh hashulchan override the shulchan aruckh? I thought it was just a sefer for poskim to consult, along with many others?

  4. Rabbi Pini Dunner


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