Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Sean Hannity Fails to Mention Letter Sent to Him by Jan. 6 Committee During Show 

Committee Chair Bennie Thompson and Vice-Chair Liz Cheney said Hannity also expressed concern for the storming of the Capitol and attempted to advise the then-President Donald Trump in the now-public letter.

The letter added: "You also had relevant communications while the riot was underway, and in the days thereafter. These communications make you a fact witness in our investigation."

It also highlighted text messages showing Hannity was concerned with Trump's January 6 plan.

The letter went on to say: "The Select Committee is in possession of dozens of text messages you sent to and received from former White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows and others related to the 2020 election and President Trump's efforts to contest the outcome of the vote."

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