Saturday, January 8, 2022


When the story broke, I chose to say little. I wasn’t there and neither was the supercilious writer for Haaretz, one of Israel’s left-leaning dailies. I had heard his name before. His career is built on exposés and he spares no effort time or (probably other people’s) money on digging up anything he could about the observant community that he abandoned. Often times people who leave the path of Torah remain scrupulous about some mitzvos. I don’t know him personally, but I know that one mitzvah that he treats lightly is telling the truth. As time went on, it turned out that some of Israel’s most respected authorities, world class dayanim associated with the most respected courts were conducting interview after interview . Their conclusions were hair-raising and undisputed. One thing must not be forgotten. I am not sure what the sentence would have been if he were tried in a court of law, and sentenced, but I am sure that we don’t have a punishment called Death By Shaming.


  1. Just waiting for artscroll to publish the hardback edition of the walder suicide note. She will no doubt add her haskomo.

  2. So let me get this straight. The same community that paskened that you are not kosher to be a witness if you own a smartphone, even if you never ever used it for anything "trief", now says that 25 victims testifying can be safely ignored.

  3. The rebellion from her followers, many of them young mothers, was incredible. This is a grass roots rebellion taking place, B'H.

  4. many are not frum but I am sure you knew that already

  5. You personally examined the testimony?

  6. Rav Shternbuch has written a teshuva saying that W's books should be removed, but I am sure you knew that already.

  7. because he committed suicidea and rabbis have said that-he doesn't say what rabbis or why they said it

  8. you can post it if you like, I'm tired of having my links delated

  9. the first part is what Yair Hoffman writes:

    by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

    HaGaon Rav Moshe Shternbuch’s gabbai reached out to this author and
    forwarded the following Teshuvah from Rav Shternbuch shlita. Rav
    Shternbuch is the Raavad of the Eida HaChareidis nd is one of the
    Gedolei HaDor. [The Rav further conveyed orally that the obituaries
    published in the Charedi press [in Eretz Yisroel] constitute a CHILLUL
    HASHEM as were the hespedim that were given. He is a מאבד עצמו לדעת
    [and should not have been given them].

    SO the Hespedim were Chillul hashem - 1000% agreed.

    the letter itself makes no mention of the suicide.
    And he refers to Dayanim - obviously the most relevant Dayanim are Rav Silman and Rav Eliyahu.

    He was called to BD when he was alive, and not for his last sin of suicide, but for other sins. The suicide is just the final straw that broke the camel's back.

  10. Why would that help, considering you don't accept the view of dayanim who did?

  11. I don't know whether they spoke directly to 25 people claiming they were victims or they heard about people who had claimed they were victims But it is just assumed that the victims were actually interviewed.

  12. Were you present when he said or was reported to have said it?

  13. there are 2 sides one can take, and those who defend his suicide are Meshichists, christians , sabbateans etc.
    hey call him a Tzaddik, and that he was not liable for retzichah, or anything else.

  14. When you make ridiculous and gratuitous insults I will delete your comment. If you can't deal with facts and logic there is certainly no need to comment!

  15. I see
    Was posting the views of one haredi rosh yeshiva a gratuitous insult? In which case, I apologise.

  16. I apologize for the rude comment, which you said was a gratuitous insult. It was not intended as a gratuitous insult although I accept it was badly written and in poor taste. That's just how I talk to my friends when we don't see eye to eye.


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