Saturday, December 18, 2021

To'aiva BGTLQ "marriage" bill alert

Pls Call to oppose "Mabul Marriage" by Monday morning:
Please urge your State Senator & BOTH assemblymen to actively vote NO, against redefinition of Marriage  A5367/ S3416*
{* NOT 342«6}

Especially important are:
Sen.Singer,Asm Thomson,&Kean/ LW:

Assemblyman Gary Schaer /Passaic: 9732493665

Even though NJ Courts recognize To'aiva marriage, the Legislature must not; it would lead to MANY more such antireligious edicts.

Alert for All NJ residents, especially Lakewood & Passaic:

It's critical - by tomorrow, Friday Dec. 17th - to urge your state Senator and BOTH of your state Assemblymen to actively vote NO on the Marriage De-definition bill (S3416/ A5367) scheduled for a full floor vote in BOTH houses on this coming Monday Dec. 20th.

NJ Legislative Contact Info for Senate & Assembly:

v: 609-847-3905 or (800) 792-8630 


w: Silence of our legislators threatens to allow our irreconcilable opposition to To'aiva "marriage" (e.g. see Chullin 92b, Maharal) to be "cancelled" from even being considered a "shitah" fit for public discourse. We and our institutions would eventually be targeted and ostracized, R"L.

Please follow the guidance of our Gedolim and make a Kiddush HaShem - call TODAY.

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