Sunday, December 19, 2021

Halachic question

 You decide to daven in the Ezras Nashim to avoid the mass of unvaccinated and unmasked people

Someone who is obviously sick - sneezing and coughing - decides to daven there to avoid transmitting his sickness.

Question - what should you do?

1. do you object to his presence? He will likely join the main minyan and thus you are causing people to get sick

2. You conclude that your health is paramount and tell him to leave

3.You say nothing and simply leave

4. You tell him to go home and not to endanger others ?


  1. Happened to me three times in the past three days. The second time it was someone who had arrived from oversees and was supposed to be in quarantine. Twice I asked the offenders to leave and once I arrived very late and figured I had less right to take action.
    A team of policemen visiting shuls regularly would harvest a lot of money for the government and put an end to this nonsense.

  2. Why are the cops doing nothing? A relative suggested the following: All the pow wowing in the government is to the give the government an alibi that it did something. In reality, there is no will to fight.

  3. Sorry, how did he get into the room in the first place? Where was the sign saying "If you have the following symptoms please don't enter"? Where was his sense of responsibility?
    Because of my job, I've long passed my frustration limits. I'm at the point where I'd do (4) and do it loudly.

  4. Trying to control others is challenging.

    The police generally do a good job of controlling people because they are legally allowed to touch people and to use force to get people to do what the police want them do. Ignoring a policeman's legally based directive can even lead to a person getting arrested.

    But if you are not a cop, getting others to do what you want using force or the threat of force is not going to end well in many cases. It may lead to charges being filed against you. And/or it may lead to the other person acting in self defense and your getting hurt.

    Speaking up, without using force or the threat of force, could lead to (1.), his infecting others and it partially being your fault. So the best thing is to leave.

  5. There is no sign that people pay attention to

  6. So what level of mesirah would it be to anonymously call a bylaw officer and say "Hey, why don't you check this place out..."

  7. The police are well aware
    Since Bennet tookover - enforcment has significantly weakened


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