Saturday, December 18, 2021

Fox News Deletes Soros ‘Puppet Master’ Cartoon After ADL Calls Out Antisemitism

 After the Anti-Defamation League called out Fox News on Wednesday, the cable giant deleted its social-media posts portraying Jewish philanthropist George Soros as a “puppet master”—a common antisemitic trope.

Posted to both the network’s Instagram and Facebook pages this week, the cartoon by conservative illustrator A.F. Branco features the liberal billionaire Soros—who has long been a right-wing catch-all bogeyman—controlling local prosecutors and attorneys general.

Just last month, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt denounced Fox Nation host Lara Logan after she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to notorious Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, calling it an “outlandish and offensive” analogy. The group has also repeatedly called for the network to fire star Tucker Carlson for relentlessly promoting the white supremacist “Great Replacement” theory on air.

 The network, meanwhile, eventually stopped booking pro-Trump lawyer Joe diGenova—once a frequent guest—after he peddled an antisemitic conspiracy theory about Soros on the Fox Business Network in late 2019. (Greenblatt called it “disturbing” after diGenova made a brief return a month later, saying it showed a lack of “remorse” on Fox’s part. The attorney hasn’t been back and has since said Fox is beholden to Soros.)


  1. Awesome. Soros hates Jew and Judaism. He has spent billions to help harm Israel. But if you insult him you're an anti-Semite!

  2. well, religious, right wing, and pro Israel Jews are being insulted on a daily basis. At best, there will be small apology. But usually, not much happens. It is because, ironically, it is the left wing antizionist woke brigade that controls the media, and that includes big funders and influencers. The insults against Soros are largely because he is left wing, woke , communist - but they look into their book and find they can cry a token "anti-semitism".

    J K Rowling is not Jewish or racist, but doesn't go by woke/trans propaganda, and is getting cancelled in some circles. eg

    B'H she has made her good fortune from Harry Potter books, and has enough independence to nto care much about what they say.

  3. Nonsense!
    Soros is attacked also because he is a Jew


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