Thursday, November 18, 2021

GOP votes against Gosar censure, but frustration builds against controversial congressman: 'It's all silly' 

 He’s not your mainstream Republican, a lot of people think he’s kooky," a different House GOP aide told Fox News. "He’s the type of Republican that’s far more a liability to the conference than an asset… There’s not much seriousness in his work.

"We can’t just be kicking people off committees… it’s a slippery slope," the GOP aide also said. "No one’s defending — most of the conference is not defending what he did."

A former aide to Gosar, meanwhile, said Gosar is "a smart person" and "a good person" who "just made some bad decisions." 

Gosar is "not a whackado," the former aide told Fox News. "But he represents a very far-right district" and "has made the strategic decision to try to replicate Donald Trump's bombastic style" because it's "what the people want."

"But attempting to replicate Donald Trump is going to get you in trouble," the former aide added. 

Gosar's Twitter header notably is a photo of the former president.

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