Sunday, October 3, 2021

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.


  1. Again, lies and obfuscation. The US was in Afghanistan for 20 years. During that time they completely failed to build a functioning central government or a strong army capable of controlling the country and taking down the remnants of the Taliban. This is yet another pathetic attempt to divert Biden's failure onto Trump because... Trump!

  2. My theory on נח. For a whole year Noah is busy in the Ark, feeding the animals, birds, etc. He talked with grandson Canaan. Canaan hated that Noah would say that after the Ark he plans on having more children. In the Ark sex was forbidden.

    After the Ark, Canaan notices Noah is alone and drunk. Canaan takes a sharp knife and goes in himself and stabs Noah, his grandfather, in the balls. Canaan is a terrorist.

    In the Ark Noah did talk to Canaan. The Taliban are terrorists. Yes Trump got the Taliban to promise not to shoot at Americans. This was the only condition of the 7 conditions the Taliban kept. Trump agreed to releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners and maybe other good will gestures. Big mistake, with 20-20 hindsight.

    Contrary Joe agreed to zero US soldiers by the latest August 29, 2021. Big mistake. Contrary Joe agreed to do a hit based on military information on August 29, 2021. Horrific/tragic mistake.

    Sharon announced in 2005 no Jews in Gaza. Big mistake. Hamas wins the next election and bombs Israel.

    Trump had hopes the Taliban would live and let live. Big mistake. Sharon had hopes Hama would live and let live. Big mistake. Contrary Joe has hopes the Taliban and Iran would live and let live. Big mistake. Contrary Joe has hopes for a socialism take over of America. Big mistake. He’s trying to bully Manchin and other Democrats. The WSJ says this will be Biden/Harris' Waterloo. Who will be the next president?

    Wasn't Trump. It was the same intelligence service that missed 9/11


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