Friday, October 1, 2021

Rand Paul blocked swift passage of a bill boosting Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.

 What happened: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) objected to swift passage of a bill to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, five congressional sources told POLITICO.

The bill, which cleared the House overwhelmingly last week with more than 400 votes in favor, would appropriate $1 billion for the Iron Dome, a state-of-the-art system that prevents rockets from striking inside Israel’s borders.

The House-passed bill was brought up as a “hotline” for both parties — a process that requires the consent of all 100 senators in order for the bill to hit the Senate floor immediately for a vote. Democrats cleared the hotline unanimously, three people said, but the GOP hotline didn’t go through due to Paul’s concerns that the new funding for the Iron Dome was not offset with spending cuts elsewhere.

An effort — supported by Republicans — to hotline an amendment to the funding bill that would add the Iron Dome money also fell apart this week.

Paul's perspect: “He proposed that we pay for the House bill with money that is going to go to the Taliban,” a spokeswoman for the Kentucky senator said. A Senate GOP staffer confirmed that Paul held the measure over Afghanistan aid.


  1. At least he's consistent. He'll block any bill that sends money out of the US. It's not personal.
    So your attempt to say "See, it's not just the Squad" fails because with the Squad it is personal. They specifically blocked the funding because it was Israel.

    Amazing. Trump compliments Israel and you run a dozen posts condemning him. But about this you say nothing?

  3. be more specific !
    web page has no article about trump

  4. “Rand Paul blocked swift passage” Wow seemingly Rand Paul is the same as the Squad. No.

    DT says “web page has no article about trump” No.Trump did Taylor Force Law, Contrary Joe, wants to restore $ and offices to PA, PA supports terrorists.

    In Afghanistan, Contrary Joe did relentless diplomacy with terrorists. Trump got Congress to pass Taylor Force Act, move US embassy to Jerusalem, close PA offices in the US, cancelled disastrous Obama/Biden Iran nuclear bomb agreement (not treaty as only bare majority in Congress...).

    Torah thought on this week’s parsha נח
    “When Noah woke up from his wine, and learned וידע what his youngest son had done unto him, he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants עבד עבדים shall he be to his brothers.” (Genesis 9:24-25).

    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XXXVI:7
    “AND NOAH AWOKE FROM HIS WINE (IX, 24): he was sobered from his wine. AND KNEW WHAT HIS YOUNGEST SON HAD DONE UNTO HIM. Here it means, his worthless son, as you read, Because the brazen altar that was before the Lord was too little to receive the burnt- offering, etc. (I Kings VIII, 64) [Katon is used in both verses, in the second in the sense that it was too small and consequently unfit; v. Zeb. 59b. Ham was actually not the youngest son, as appears from the order, Shem, Ham. and Japheth.]. AND HE SAID: CURSED BE CANAAN (IX, 25): Ham sinned and Canaan is cursed! R. Judah and R. Nehemiah disagreed. R. Judah said: Since it is written, And God blessed Noah and his sons (Gen. IX, 1), while there cannot be a curse where a blessing has been given, consequently, HE SAID: CURSED BE CANAAN. R. Nehemiah explained: It was Canaan who saw it [in the first place] and informed them, therefore the curse is attached to him who did wrong. R. Berekiah said: Noah grieved very much in the Ark that he had no young son to wait on him, and declared, When I go out I will beget a young son to do this for me. But when Ham acted thus to him, he exclaimed, You have prevented me from begetting a young son to serve me [According to the Rabbis he castrated him.], therefore that man [your son] will be a servant to his brethren!”

    My theory. Canaan was a terrorist, to castrate his grandfather. Bravo Trump got Congress to pass the Taylor Force Act that bars money and offices to PA since the PA pays terrorists for killing Jews. Contrary Joe and the Progressive Left got taken in by terrorists in Afghan with their relentless diplomacy.

    Noah didn’t do relentless diplomacy with Canaan, instead cursed him. Follow Garnel? The US today must stop doing relentless diplomacy with terrorists. Agreed? KA, IsraelReader, Conservative Mom?

  5. Trump didnt negotiate with taliban?! Where have you been?

  6. Nothing in that article but how about over the last 4 years?

  7. A respectful question to anyone here who follows Hareidi ideology _ as far as I know, hareidim oppose mada of the mo, and derech eretz of Hirsch and hildsheimer.
    So, for example, politics is a secular subject, why do some hareidim follow or get involved?

    Thank you


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