Thursday, October 7, 2021

Jordan fumes after court allows Jews to pray on Temple Mount

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned a ruling by the Jerusalem Magistrates Court allowing, for the first time, Jews to pray silently on the Temple Mount.

"The Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns the decision by the Israeli court allowing extremists to pray in the plazas of Al Aqsa Mosque," the Ministry said in a statement.

Haitham Abu Al Foul, the Ministry's official spokesperson, said, "This decision is worthless, and it has no legal standing under international law, which does not recognize the legal jurisdiction of Israel in territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem."

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jordan,
    F--k off. You lost the war in 1967. We're doing you a favour letting you pretend you run the Mount. Shut up and make sure the snacks there are reasonable priced.
    The Jews


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