Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Downstate Republican misses the mark with shot in the dark about GOP vaccination rate


 Bryant said “75% of Republicans have been vaccinated” against COVID-19 in Illinois.

The state senator did not respond to our inquiries asking for evidence to back up her claim, and we could find no surveys or studies that show she is correct. None of the state polling experts we contacted told us they had seen data showing how many Illinois Republicans have been vaccinated either.

State and national trends suggest the claim is not accurate. The figure Bryant cited is higher than Illinois’ overall vaccination rate and is out of line with multiple national surveys conducted over the past two months that find Republicans are one of the demographic groups least likely to have taken the vaccine. Illinois counties that voted for Trump in 2020 also have a lower average vaccination rate than counties that Biden won, state data show.

We rate Bryant’s claim False.

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