Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Anti-vaxxer Rabbi's COVID Remarks 'Dangerous and Misleading,' Israel's Health Ministry Warns

 The Health Ministry released a public warning on Sunday against Rabbi Yuval Hacohen Asherov, asserting that his statements against the coronavirus vaccine are dangerous.

Asherov, who says he deals in “the wisdom of the Kabbalah and natural heath,” recently posted a video clip where he falsely claims that the COVID-19 vaccine damages fertility and can be fatal. The clip has gotten hundreds of thousands of hits and a great deal of attention, although it negates scientific knowledge about the vaccine.

the public, the Health Ministry notes that Asherov is not licensed to practice medicine or any other health profession, nor is he licensed to practice physical therapy, as was reported in some media outlets.

“The misleading information given by him or in his publications cannot guide the public in anything having to do with the coronavirus and cannot be taken as a recommendation or instruction with medical value,” the committee wrote.

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