Wednesday, September 8, 2021

When was Adam created?

 The Zohar (1 37a) is the source that says on Rosh HaShanna. 

 R. Judah said: ‘Cain rose up against Abel and killed him because he inherited his nature from the side of Samael, who brought death into the world. He was jealous of Abel on account of his female, as indicated by the words, “and it came to pass when they were in the field”, the word “field” signifying woman.’ On R. Hiya objecting that, according to the text, Cain was wroth because his offering was not accepted, R. Judah answered that this was a further reason. R. Judah further expounded the words, “If thou doest well, shall there not be an uplifting?” ‘The word “uplifting”,’ he said, ‘means the dignity which is due to a first-born, provided his actions warrant it. In the next clause, “If thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door”, this dooris the door on high from which issue the chastisements for evil deeds in this world. The “sin” which couches at that door is the angel of death, who is ready to punish thee. The word “door” (petah, lit. opening) further contains an allusion to the New Year, the day of judgement, on which Adam was born.

 But that makes the first day of creation on the 25 of Elul.The Gemora Rosh HaShanna brings two views of creation Tishrei and Nisan. According to Rabbi Eliezer the first of Tishrei is the first day of creation and that means the 6th of Tishrei is when man was created.

Rosh HaShanna (10b)  Rabbi Eliezer says: In Tishrei the world was created; in Tishrei the Patriarchs were born; in Tishrei the Patriarchs died; on Passover Isaac was born; on Rosh HaShana Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were remembered by God and conceived; on Rosh HaShana Joseph came out from prison;

So who says Rosh HaShanna is when man was created? It is argued that the reason Rosh HaShanna is the day of judgement is either because man was created or man was first judged


  1. I've seen places where it says Creation began on Elul 25 but since the creation of Man was the completion of the process, the full world first existed on Tishrei 1.
    Here's another question though: If Sarah Imeinu was remembered and got pregnant on Rosh HaShanah, then Yitzchak Avinu was born after a 6 month pregnancy?

  2. Regarding the length of Sarah Imeinu's pregnancy, see discussion in Maseches Rosh Hashana (11a).

  3. what about Vayikra Rabba 29

  4. 1. IN THE SEVENTH MONTH, IN THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH SHALL BE A SOLEMN REST (XXIII, 24).1 This bears on what is written in Scripture: For ever, O Lord, Thy word standeth fast in heaven (Ps. CXIX, 89).2 It was taught in the name of R. Eliezer: The world was created on the twenty-fifth of Elul. The view of Rab agrees with the teaching of R. Eliezer. For we have learned in the Shofar Benediction3 composed by Rab: ' This day, on which was the beginning of work, is a memorial of the first day, for it is a statute for Israel, a decree of the God of Jacob. Thereon also sentence is pronounced upon countries, which of them is destined to the sword and which to peace, which to famine and which to plenty; and each separate creature is visited thereon, and recorded for life or for death.’4 Thus you are left to conclude5 that on New Year's Day, in the first hour the idea of creating man entered His mind, in the second He took counsel with the Ministering Angels, in the third He assembled Adam's dust, in the fourth He kneaded it, in the fifth He shaped him, in the sixth He made him into a lifeless body, in the seventh He breathed a soul into him, in the eighth He brought him into the Garden of Eden, in the ninth he was commanded [against eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge], in the tenth he transgressed, in the eleventh he was judged, in the twelfth he was pardoned. ‘This,’ said the Holy One, blessed be He, to Adam, ‘will be a sign to your children. As you stood in judgment before Me this day and came out with a free pardon, so will your children in the future stand in judgment before Me on this day and will come out from My presence with a free pardon.’ When will that be? IN THE


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