Monday, September 13, 2021

Trial of Malka Leifer opens in Melbourne, 12 years after initial charges

 The trial of Malka Leifer opened in the Melbourne court on Monday morning, with the former principal being accused of 74 counts of child sexual abuse and rape.

Leifer escaped to Israel in 2008 after being accused of child sexual abuse and rape in Australia.
In 2012, Australia requested that she be extradited, and the process began in 2014. Leifer was arrested but claimed she suffered from mental illnesses which would prevent her from facing trial, and the case was dropped until 2018 when she was arrested for faking her mental illness to avoid


  1. “Trial of Malka Leifer opens in Melbourne, 12 years after initial charges”
    Sorry, not interested. “Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people לא תלך רכיל בעמך; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor לא תעמד על דם רעך: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:16)

    More interesting in Jpost is Ruthie Blum 9/9/2021:
    “Much less viable. That’s a nice way of saying that the administration will be forced to come up with new excuses for why it’s not ceasing all contact with Iran and telling Israel to take its operational plans for a military strike out of the proverbial drawer. WHICH BRINGS us to Shapiro. It’s probably going to be his job to explain to Jerusalem why the military option is still off the table or how exercising it would harm US-Israel relations and chances for Middle East security. He’s had lots of practice at this kind of diplo-speak.”

    My favorite:
    Kethuboth Chapter 13 Mishnah 11
    “AlI can be compelled to move to the Land of Israel [i.e., a man may compel his wife, children and Canaanite slaves to go to ארץ ישראל] but no one may be compelled to move out [from ארץ יראל]. All may be forced to go up to Jerusalem but none can be made to leave, whether they be men or women [literally the men or the women. Some texts have אחד אנשים ואחד נשים others have הנשים , the women and others עבדים slaves, bondmen. The woman can insist on the husband doing so (if he refuses he must give her כתובה and גט), and if he demands and דhe declines she is to be divorced and forfeits herכתובה.”

  2. Nice - can a woman use this to get a divorce? Move to Israel, and force a gett?

  3. Yevamoth 61b has a discussion of בעילת זנות harlotry. “Since priests only were commanded concerning the harlot while Israelites were not so commanded, therefore PRIEST only was mentioned. Said R. Huna: What is R. Judah's reason? Since it is written, “10And they shall eat, and not be stated, They shall commit harlotry, and shall not increase; Because they have forsaken the Lord” (Hosea 4:10).”

    The sin is דברים פרשת כי תצא פרק כג פסוק יח
    לֹא תִהְיֶה קְדֵשָׁה מִבְּנוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל וְלֹא יִהְיֶה קָדֵשׁ מִבְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל:

    הושע פרק ד פסוק י
    וְאָכְלוּ וְלֹא יִשְׂבָּעוּ הִזְנוּ וְלֹא יִפְרֹצוּ כִּי אֶת יְקֹוָק עָזְבוּ לִשְׁמֹר:
    רש"י הושע פרק ד פסוק י
    ולא יפרוצו - לא יגדלו בנים:
    My theory. Get on demand is like abortion on demand. No. A wife has no right to demand a divorce. The marriage ceremony is not like a Los Vagas night with a whore, follow KA? Mendel Epstein got 10 years in jail for trying to free agunot.

  4. "Prodfather" Mendel Epstein was sentenced to 10 years in jail, for being the leader of a criminal organization that arranged and carried out numerous violent kidnappings.

    In recorded conversations, he bragged of these kidnappings and the violent assaults, some of which involved electric cattle prods; that resulted in painful injuries to the victims.

    He also used his status in the Orthodox community to recruit young and impressionable men, under the guise that this criminal conduct was sanctioned by their religion, which ultimately landed them in prison.

    Too bad, that his sentence was only for 10 years.

  5. It was an open secret among rabbonim and matrimonial lawyers in NYC area for years.

    It was even featured on front page of NY tabloid newspaper.
    But no one cared, he was performing a public service.
    Till the community ran away from him after he was caught.

  6. Prodfather was NOT was performing a public service. In fact, he was defrauding the women he claimed to be helping, by obtaining coerced Gittin from their husbands.

    A coerced Get is valueless, and not worth the paper it is written on. Ergo, these women, who paid big money to the mobster, were scammed and defrauded. If they remarried, relying on the fake Get, then they're living in sin, and any children born from such a union are Mamzerim.

  7. But no one cared, he was performing a public service.

    Till the community ran away from him after he was caught.

    Don't know the facts-but that is reality in Chareidi Judaism, MO, CJ-remember Boesky and JTS-everybody know people are crooked but they support institutions/ Mosdos

  8. where did you come up with the slang term "Prodfather"? I assume you still do not watch TV or movies - do you know what this name is derived from?

  9. I certainly hope not, GA.
    The question is that the Gemara teaches that you can beat a man until he wants to give a get, because people wish to do mitzvos and giving a get is one such mitzvah.

  10. KA certainly hopes that the marriage ceremony is not like a Los Vagas night with a whore. The Gamara teaches that you can beat a man who was your slave to leave your property without taking his Cannaaitie slave wife and his children from her with him. R. Schecter cites this as a source for the Rambam’s ok to beat a man to give a get.

    My theory. The Torah is clear “If his master gave him יתן לו a wife, and she had borne him children וילדה לו בנים או בנית sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall belong to the master האשה וילדיה תהיה לאדיה, and he shall leave alone והוא יצא בגפו.” (Exodus 21:4). Mendel Epstein et al/Rabbi Ralbag, ORA, Rackman/Mergenstern etc apply this to every she that hollers agunah.

    What if she’s a liar liar pants on fire? The Biblical source: (Exodus)
    You must not carry false rumors לא תשא שמע שוא; you shall not join hands with the wicked רשע to act as a malicious witness עד חמס: (Exodus 23:1).
    Pesachim 118a
    “R. Shesheth also said on the authority of R. Eleazar b. Azariah: Whoever relates slander, and whoever accepts slander, and whoever gives false testimony against his neighbor, deserve to be cast to dogs, for it is said, “You shall be holy people to Me ואנשי קדש תהיון לי; you must not eat meat torn by beasts in the field ובשר בשדה טרפה לא תאכלו; you shall cast it to the dogs לכלב תשלכון אתו” (Exodus 22:29). Which is followed by, “You must not carry false rumors לא תשא שמע שוא, You shall join hands with the guilty אל תשת ידך עם רשע to act as a malicious witness להיות עד חמס” (Exodus 23:1).”
    Hertz Chumash p. 315: “The Rabbis explain it as a warning not to listen to a calumny, or join others in spreading it. Slander, they say, kills three---the person slandered, the slanderer, and the person who takes up and passes on the slander. They also apply the words of the text to evidence given at a trial. Such evidence must not include a statement of which the witness is not absolutely certain.”
    Beautiful. We must not accept slander and not listen to calumny. Calumny = the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.

  11. "KA certainly hopes that the marriage ceremony is not like a Los Vagas night with a whore"

    your choice of metaphor, not mine

  12. I indeed grew up in a home without a TV, and never was in the inside of a cinema. However over the years, I've been informed of many things, that the average Haredi person is not familiar with.

    In the case of Mendel Epstein, the media dubbed him with the name: Prodfather, and is even mentioned on the Wiki page dedicated to the case:


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