Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Study does not determine COVID vaccines kill 2 for every 3 they save


 The study, "The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations — We Should Rethink the Policy," was done by three European researchers, led by Harald Walach, professor at Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland. The study used data from an Israeli field study which calculates the number of people who needed to be vaccinated to prevent one death. The study authors then used that number to contrast with a number they calculated from the Adverse Drug Reactions database. The data on adverse reactions can’t be used on its own to conclude whether a vaccine caused death. The Adverse Drug Reactions database explicitly says the data counts "suspected side effects" and they are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine. Even the European Medicines Agency, which manages the Adverse Drug Reactions database, warns that its data on adverse reactions can’t be used on its own to conclude whether a vaccine caused death.

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