Sunday, September 12, 2021

Democrats’ Jan. 6 commission is just a partisan ploy

Yet as they talk about Jan. 6 — and maintain an armed camp around the Capitol — Dems remain remarkably incurious about what triggered a pandemic that claimed more than 600,000 American lives, prompted lockdowns that tanked the economy and rang up trillions in costs, which the nation will be repaying long into the future.

 That Congress seems reluctant to explore the origins of the coronavirus — despite pleas from nonpartisan scientists specifically to examine the role Chinese labs might have played in creating or spreading it — is nothing short of scandalous. Finding out the truth about COVID’s origins could help save lives, yet Dems prefer to focus on Jan. 6.

 America needs to get to the bottom of what caused this massive, once-in-a-century public-health catastrophe. If Democrats won’t probe even that, they certainly shouldn’t be wasting time and money on a partisan effort to keep talking about an “insurrection.”

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of

1 comment :

  1. There's too much at stake for the truth - that Fauci and lots of other prominent American public health authorities were giving aid to the Chinese as they developed this virus - to be allowed out.


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