Sunday, August 22, 2021

What I Learned While Eavesdropping on the Taliban


 It didn’t matter that they were unarmored men, with 30-year-old guns, fighting against gunships, fighter jets, helicopters, and a far-better-equipped ground team. It also didn’t matter that 100 of them died that day. Through all that noise, the sounds of bombs and bullets exploding behind them, their fellow fighters being killed, the Taliban kept their spirits high, kept encouraging one another, kept insisting that not only were they winning, but that they’d get us again—even better—next time.

They told me how they planned to keep killing Americans. They told me the details of these plans: what weapons they would use, where they would do it, how many they hoped to murder. Often, they told me these things while doing the killing. They told me that, God willing, the world would be made in their image. And they told me what so many others refused to hear, but what I finally understood: Afghanistan is ours.




  1. No connection to above post, sorry Israel Reader

    Jewish school refusing to teach pupils LGBT issues should not be expanded, says Ofsted

    Inspectors urge Whitehall to reject plans by primary school Talmud Torah
    London, to offer secondary level education, over its stance

    Camilla Turner,

    Education Editor

    24 August 2021 • 6:49pm

    A school which is refusing to teach children about LGBT issues should not be allowed to expand, Ofsted has said.

    Talmud Torah London, a fee-paying primary school in north London
    which serves the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, told inspectors that
    it has “no intention” of teaching pupils about those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

    The school, which caters to children aged between five and 11, is
    seeking to expand and teach children in Year Seven and Year Eight, the
    first two years of secondary school where children are aged between 11
    and 13.

    All schools which wish to expand need to apply to the Department for
    Education (DfE) for permission. Ofsted is often commissioned by
    government officials to conduct an inspection of the school to assess
    its suitability for expansion.

    Inspectors visited Talmud Torah London and found that the school’s
    proposed curriculum and plans for teaching secondary school pupils are
    “likely to be suitable”.

    They noted in their report that: “The planned curriculum covers all
    the required areas of learning, including religious education, English,
    mathematics, science, computing, physical education, music, geography
    and history.”

    Secondary education plans fell short

    However, inspectors found that the proposed PSHE and Relationships
    and Sex Education lessons for secondary aged pupils fell short.

    The proposed Year Seven and Year Eight PSHE lessons included “the
    encouragement of respect for other people, including paying particular
    regard to most of the different protected characteristics people have,
    as identified in the Equality Act 2010”.

    However, inspectors said that Talmud Torah London’s leaders confirmed
    that “the school has no intention of ever referencing those who
    identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender as part of PSHE
    education or relationships education”.

    Ofsted inspectors concluded that the school is “unlikely” to meet the
    requirements of the Independent School Standards, and recommended the
    DfE reject its application for expansion.

    A spokesman for Talmud Torah London declined to comment.

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