Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Weil Gotshal Files Federal Lawsuit Against Fort Lee’s ‘The Colony’ Over Religious Discrimination


 Plaintiffs and other Sabbath observant residents of the building, most of whom are elderly and/or physically handicapped, are religiously prohibited from operating the building’s elevators on the Sabbath, and have relied on building staff for assistance for more than 16 years. In May 2019, shareholders of the building voted in favor of a Sabbath elevator program, which operated in the service elevators only, and allowed the Sabbath-observant residents greater independence and dignity.


1 comment :

  1. I have a friend who was at a conference on "diversity" and "inclusion". There was every kind of diet available at lunch - keto, vegan, and all the rest, but not kosher. When he went to the organizer and told him, the response was "Look, we can't accommodate everyone"


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