Friday, June 4, 2021

Rabbi Yisroel Knopfler אב בית דין בד'ץ לייקווד


  1. Rabbi Knopfler,

    Thank you for shedding light on this pertinent topic. I respectfully wish to bring to your attention that in discussing those who r'l defy Torah law and are moserim and use arkois the tzibur should be able to detect the pain one must feel when issurim chomorim are being transgressed. This phenomenon has become so acceptable that one may chalilah forget the chomer of said issurim. We have become desensitized and complecit to intermarriage, chillul Shabbos, and other issurim r'l. If we fail to pubicly denounce the isur chomer of the issurim of mesira and arkois we will chas v'sholom become desensitized and complecit in these as well.

    Ain mzarzin ela lmizrozin.

    L' man kvodo yisborach!

  2. Rabbi Knopfler,

    There is no doubt that as you state pshara is the optimal manner both in bein adom l'chaviro and bein adom l'mokom. I do however respectfully request that you explain how going to court or Bais Din nets the same results?! For one, as I commented earlier, going to court is an isur chamorah and the punishment is severe as seen below.

    כל המוסר ישראל ביד עובד כוכבים, בין בגופו בין ממונו, אין לו חלק לעולם הבא, ויורדים לגהינם ונידונין לדורי דורות וגופן כלה ונשמתן כלה, וגריעי מהמשומדים וכו' כמבואר בשו"ע חו"מ סי' שפ"ח ובש"ך שם, ובהרמ"א שם "וכן מחרימין המחזיק
    ביד ההולך לפני גוים"

    Secondly, if one goes to court r'l and only after appears in Bais Din did they not forfeit their rights by having taken awards from arkois shlo khalacha? If you could kindly address this question, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance,




    His self-written description on his Twitter social media account, and apparently the items he's most proud of, is: "OJ Rabbi. Cong. Premishlan, Head of Lakewood NJ Rabbinic Court. Sued NJ Gov. Murphy for violating Constitution shuttering Religious worship, and won in SCOTUS."

  4. What is this "JNews" that's doing this series of online video sessions with this rabbi? Who is asking the questions here?

  5. I didn't listen to the entire interview, but from the few minutes I heard (so I may be mistaken) it seemed R. Knopfler's only point was that going to non-Jewish court will likely result in a decision that's not substantially different than what pshara or a Beis Din verdict would have yielded. And he is therefore making the point that going to court (aside from being assur) is pointless and not much to gain.

  6. This is the question, I'd like answered.

    Secondly, if one goes to court r'l and only after appears in Bais Din did they not forfeit their rights by having taken awards from arkois shlo khalacha? If you could kindly address this question, it would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Absolutely; I completely agree you're correct. I just don't think R. Knopfler addressed this point you're making.


  9. Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt'l

    Love or Loyalty

  10. did they not forfeit their rights by having taken awards from arkois shlo khalacha? dont thinks so. generally.

  11. Lakewood Prominent Dayanim?????
    Rabbi Knopfler has been banned by over 30 Gdoley Torah

  12. What was the Halachic basis for such alleged "banning" of Rabbi Knopfler?


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