Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Trump’s and Miller’s Attacks on ‘The Squad’

President Donald Trump and his top immigration adviser continue to criticize four progressive Democratic congresswomen known as “the squad,” but some of their claims twist the women’s words.

We’ve dealt with a couple of these assertions before, including a false claim that Rep. Ilhan Omar has expressed pride for al Qaeda. But Trump and senior adviser Stephen Miller have pointed to other instances in which they claim the lawmakers expressed anti-American or anti-Semitic remarks. Below, we present some of these claims and a fuller context of the comments made by the congresswomen.

 The claim: “They can’t talk about ‘evil Jews,’ which is what they say: ‘evil Jews.'” — Trump, July 19

What Omar said: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” — via Twitter in November 2012. It has since been deleted.

To be clear, we could find no evidence that any of the four congresswomen have ever uttered the phrase “evil Jews.”

1 comment :

  1. And all Iran does is say how it wants to wipe out the Zionists. So I guess the Iranians aren't really Jew haters either!


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