Monday, January 11, 2021

There are two terrible bills on the table to be voted on tomorrow.


Do you live in N.J.?
There are two terrible bills on the table to be voted on tomorrow. Please call your elected officials to voice your strongest opposition and to insist that they shouldn't vote for them.

May Hashem Have Rachmonus on all of us.




What's crucial now is to alert everyone in NJ to escalate pressure on BOTH of your NJ Assemblyman to do everything they can to oppose these two bills.  We must leverage the fact that the entire Legislature is up for election in less than a year. 
ACTION ITEM: Tell BOTH of your Assemblyman that you will NOT vote for those who vote to exploit our most vulnerable - EITHER by (a) indoctrinating children in Public Schools with immoral propaganda - OR by (b) subjecting residents of long-term healthcare facilities to deviants seeking to victimize them, with the sanction of the State.
Specifically, Passaic Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D) needs to be pleaded with to kill both of these bills.  He is a powerful Democrat, in a highly influential position, which is an advantage to be used precisely for these types of monumental spiritual threats.


NJ Legislative Info For Senate & Assembly:

v: 609-847-3905 or (800) 792-8630 




Click Here to Email the NJ State Assembly to voice your opposition to the Bills and to ask them to do what it takes to make sure that the two Bills don't pass tomorrow Jan 11, 2021.
About the Bills:

Bill A4454 is a Toaiva propaganda bill that is packaged as "Education" legislation.
It would escalate the existing mandate to teach Public School children Toaiva propaganda - starting from Kindergarten r"l.
Some of the reasons this is so important to oppose:

1. This is precisely how the Gezairas HaChinuch started in N.Y., with passage of the Dignity of All Students Act in early 2010, requiring schools to teach Toaiva propaganda.

2. Moreover, that there are MANY Jewish children in the public schools. 

3.  The Chillul HaShem of Jewish legislators, like sponsor senator Loretta Weinberg (Teaneck), is indescribable. 
4.  The fact that legislators representing frum districts support it or fail to oppose, compounds the Chillul HaShem be'farhesia beyond comprehension.
NJ must not repeat the disaster unfolding in New York. We must stop it now, before it reaches our Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs

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