Friday, November 27, 2020

Dem leaders condemn Trump's pardon of Michael Flynn: 'Abuse of power'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Trump's act was one of "grave corruption" and said that Flynn "must be held accountable" for a "serious and dangerous breach of our national security." 

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who played a key role in Trump's impeachment investigation in the House last year, said Flynn's pardon was in line with the president's repeated abuse of the pardon power to "reward friends and protect those who covered up for him."

"This time he pardons Michael Flynn, who lied to hide his dealings with the Russians. It’s no surprise that Trump would go out as he came in — Crooked to the end," Schiff tweeted.


  1. Formalities.
    Anyone a President pardons is someone who has done bad things. Obama also pardoned many bad people for political purposes. Again, it's the hypocrisy. My guy does it, how dare you criticize? Your guy does it? Shame on you!

  2. The abuse of power was the prosecution of Flynn all around, including the behavior of Comey, Mccabe, Judge Sullivan, and others.

  3. Yes, it was a mistake by Trump to provide his enemies a scalp in the hopes that it would appease them. It did not.

  4. Trump made a mistake firing someone lying to the president?!
    And you say it was to trick the Democrats - probably was a plot dreamed up by Barr or Giuliani

  5. Where did I say it was a trick??? I did not. Flynn supposedly lied to the FBI and to PENCE, but even if you believe that's true, it was inconsequential. Trump miscalculated thinking getting rid of Flynn could turn the page with FBI and move on, but they continued to spy, frame, and mislead about the president and others in his circle.

    no trump had no such calculation. You are simply making it up as if he is a brilliant plotter which he clearly isn't

  7. I am calling him a "brilliant plotter" by saying he made a mistake and a miscalculation? How would that be brilliant? Your brainless replies are getting boring.

  8. Now according to you I'm calling Trump a "brilliant plotter" by saying he made a mistake and a miscalculation? In what world is saying someone made a mistake giving them a compliment on their "Brilliance?" Your brainless replies are getting tiring.


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