Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Yashar (upright) vs Tzadik (righteous)

 Malbim (Mishlei 11:3): There is a distinction between yesharim (uprightness) and tzadikim (righteous). The yashar is one who naturally goes on the upright path – whether it is in religious thought or matters of understanding. That is because the majority of issues concerning yashar involve understanding (binah) or moral traits and deeds that are rooted in wisdom (chochma). Therefore when it comes to matters of wisdom (chochma) the yashar is distinguished from the tzadik in that the yashar naturally has the inclination in his heart to do good because of the uprightness which is implanted in him. In contrast the tzadik's conduct is based upon having learnt what righteous behavior is and constantly practicing it until the tzadik conquers his baser drives and trains himself to do the opposite of his nature. The yashar is simply expressing his nature. Furthermore the yashar is not concerned with the letter of the law but is concerned with the spirit of the law - until he conducts himself beyond that which the law actually requires…. Therefore in order to go in the good path it is needed that 1) his path is yashar and 2) that he is aided in going in that path. … Thus one who is not yashar, his path is not yashara and he needs help from Above to straighten his path. Even though the yashar conducts himself in the manner of uprightness because of his inner nature, nevertheless his physical needs sometimes cause him to deviate from that path. But if he has the additional aspect of temimus (purity) he will be totally consistent in his conduct of uprightness and not deviate from it because of physical needs….

1 comment:

  1. “Yashar (upright) vs Tzadik (righteous)” Beautiful. Inspiring.
    Here’s the whole Proverbs 11:
    “False scales are an abomination to the Lord; An honest [lit. whole] weight אבן שלמה pleases Him. When arrogance appears, disgrace follows, But wisdom is with those who are unassuming. The integrity of the upright guides them; The deviousness of the treacherous leads them to ruin. Wealth is of no avail on the day of wrath, But righteousness saves from deathוצדקה תציל ממות . The righteousness of the blameless man smooths his way, But the wicked man is felled by his wickedness. The righteousness of the upright saves them, But the treacherous are trapped by their malice. At death the hopes of a wicked man are doomed, And the ambition of evil men comes to nothing. The righteous man is rescued from trouble And the wicked man takes his place. The impious man destroys his neighbor through speech, But through their knowledge the righteous are rescued. When the righteous prosper the city exults; When the wicked perish there are shouts of joy. .A city is built up by the blessing of the upright, But it is torn down by the speech of the wicked. He who speaks contemptuously of his fellowman is devoid of sense; A prudent man keeps his peace. A base fellow gives away secrets, But a trustworthy soul keeps a confidence. For want of strategy an army falls, But victory comes with much planning. Harm awaits him who stands surety for another כי ערב זר [or a stranger]; He who spurns pledging shall be secure. A graceful woman obtains honor; Ruthless men obtain wealth. A kindly man benefits himself; A cruel man makes trouble for himself. The wicked man earns illusory wages, But he who sows righteousness has a true reward. Righteousness is a prop of life, But to pursue evil leads to death. Men of crooked mind are an abomination to the Lord, But those whose way is blameless please Him. Assuredly יד ליד [lit. Hand to hand], the evil man will not escape, But the offspring of the righteous will be safe. Like a gold ring in the snout of a pig Is a beautiful woman bereft of sense. What the righteous desire can only be good; What the wicked hope for [stirs] wrath. One man gives generously and ends with more; Another stints on doing the right thing and incurs a loss. A generous person enjoys prosperity; He who satisfies others shall himself be sated. He who withholds grain earns the curses of the people, But blessings are on the head of the one who dispenses it. He who earnestly seeks what is good pursues what is pleasing; He who is bent on evil, upon him it shall come. He who trusts in his wealth shall fall, But the righteous shall flourish like foliage. He who makes trouble for his household shall inherit the wind; A fool is a slave to the wise-hearted. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; A wise man captivates people. If the righteous on earth get their deserts, How much more the wicked man and the sinner.”
    We stand on shoulders of giants. Wow King Solomon. I recommend Malbim on Mishley by Wengrov, Feldheim 1982.


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