Friday, July 31, 2020

Trump revisits his playbook for disastrous news: An explosive spectacle

As is often the case, Trump dashed off his attention-hoovering tweet at an opportune moment Thursday morning. The worst economic decline ever recorded in U.S. history had just been announced. An aid package to save tens of millions of consumers was stuck in a deadlock. The rampant pandemic at the core of the problem was spiraling further out of control. And his poll numbers were floundering just three months away from the election.

1 comment :

  1. "An aid package to save tens of millions of consumers was stuck in a deadlock."

    I didn't visit the link to go to the article. I just picked the line above out.

    The idea that to be an American is to be a consumer is implicit in that statement. But that's exactly what's wrong with the country that Trump sought to fix. Americans are more than consumers -- there American spirit that strives for something higher, and Trump tapped into that.

    Yes, Trump was and is always pushing that he claimed were and are economic achievements he brought about. But part of that job boom was so that Americans could have the wherewithal to be something more than just cogs in an economic engine.

    Trump struggles now to formulate that message during an economic collapse due to a pandemic. Will this spell the end of his Presidency?

    It might. The election is Biden's to lose. All he he has to do is stay the course and he wins. But Biden has to watch his radical flank. One misstep by Biden, and the Bernie crowd could desert him. Leftists are notoriously fickle. And when they get fed up, they eat their own.

    The Bernie supporters ate their pride when they supported Biden. Their hope is that Bernie will get a prominent position in a Bidenn administration where he can foster the growth of "Democratic Socialism" or whatever term he calls his brand of communism.

    But if the Bernie wing senses Biden can't pull off the election, or that Biden is dissing Bernie, the Left will pull Biden's platform down and rip his candidacy to shreds in the hopes of setting up a communist candidate in four years. It's even possible they will try to run Bernie as a third party write-in candidate over Bernie's protests.

    This election is just beginning to heat up.

    Full Disclosure: I want Trump to get re-elected. Ya think that colors my commentary? Sure does.


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