Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Image of elokim - creation of man Chizkuni

Chizkuni (Bereishis 1:27) G-d created man in his image  meaning in the image of an angel . Don’t be astonished if this is not expressed in the Torah as being the image of angels because Moshe did not write here angels or hell or the mysteries of the chariot but only those things that we see in the world as I explained before. Another explanation that his image in G-ds image so that he didn’t need to borrow any image from others or ascribe G-d as being like man. The image of G-d  can also mean the image of angels because the appearance of man and angels is equal.  This is also the explanation to the later verse And they will be like god” “(Bereishis 3:22). And a proof in this matter, is that in Bereishis Rabbah (20:4) there is is sum of all mentions all of “elokim” in the Torah from the beginning until “To Adam”(Bereishis 3:17)  and says there are 71. [ alluding to the fact that the serpent was judged by a full court since Sanhedrin had 71judges] And if you want to say that “let us make man “ and they will be like god”are included in the 71 then in fact there would be 73 mentions.  So clearly the term “elokim “ in these verses is referring to angels. This also reflected in the fact that the Targum doesn’t say this verse is about G-d Alternatively the word tzalem (image)  is referring to a judge meaning in the image of a judge He created him. Or it means that G-d created man with a plan even though all other creatures were created with a statement alone but man was created with an image as Rashi explains to show man’s importance.”Male and female He created them,” as the verse explains later that G-d took one of Adam’s ribs

1 comment:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP0ZLTriHno
    The Probability of this happening is 1 in 3,000,000 Proof of god


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