Thursday, March 5, 2020

Trump blames Obama for coronavirus response, then says he has a “hunch” death rate is “false number”

 An aide to Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate committee that oversees health issues, told CNN that was untrue. Though the Obama administration proposed giving the FDA more oversight to approve diagnostic tests, Congress never approved it.



  2. How many lies do I need to refute today, DT?
    Labs could test for any and every virus, including SARS and MERS, without the FDA being involved. But as soon as COVID-19 was declared an emergency on Jan 31, labs were suddenly required to get their COVID-19 tests reviewed and approved prior to use. This is thanks to regulation framework set up in 2013.
    You can read the FDA guidance directly:

    See the section headed “If You Have a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)”

    Note that the policy was updated (essentially reversed) on Wednesday Mar 4.

    Lie #2:
    The mortality rate associated with COVID-19 may be "considerably less than 1%," instead of the 2% reported by some groups, write Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and colleagues in an editorial published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

  3. When you factor out China, the casualty rate is much much lower.
    A. China is the suspicious origin if this virus.
    B. China has their own interests in "taking care" of some opponents. Russia uses a plutonium related "umbrella", China prefers this tactic.
    C. The numbers in China are probably much higher.

    Similar, it's pretty vicious in Iran. Which is why this must be a weaponized virus, they're probably selling to Iran.

    Exclude China and Iran, and the percentage is much much lower.

  4. Italy's health system is overwhelmed right now. The entire country was put on lockdown. This theory of yours didn't make sense in the first place, but certainly cannot explain that.
    I'm not sure why you think that if this was developed as a weapon they would be using it on their own citizenry. You're really trying to claim they "sold" this to Iranians who then released it uncontrollably into their own society causing a mass devastation? Why would they BUY such a scenario?

    Your comment is just weird and useless.


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