Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Free at Last: after a bitter ordeal of abuse, Gov't cover up, and persecution, Rinas Bas Chedva finally receives her formal exemption from service in the IDF, B"H

Free at Last: after a bitter ordeal of abuse, Gov't cover up, and persecution, Rinas Bas Chedva finally receives her formal exemption from service in the IDF, B"H.

Attached: report in this week's Jewish Press Dispatch column.

Thank you all for all of your help. We now see what we can accomplish, and therefore have all that much more obligation to use our limited resources to do what we can for increasing numbers of teenage boys and girls being persecuted for doing the right things.

A good Moed, and a good Yom Tov,

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Help Rescue Our Children

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