Monday, April 29, 2019

Does a ‘Leaked’ British Intelligence Document Prove Trump Wiretapping Claims?


A faked letter has been used to bolster claims that the Obama administration sought to wiretap Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, using British intelligence services as a proxy.


  1. “Does a ‘Leaked’ British Intelligence Document Prove Trump Wiretapping Claims?”
    No. Donald Trump does not have to prove his hunches. His enemies have to prove their ridiculous claims and slander. In the K-G garbage heter, K and G must prove their slander of Aaron or apologize and then tell Tamar to separate from her lover.
    “One of the biggest failures of the Mueller probe concerns not what was in the final report, but what was not. Close readers will search in vain for any analysis of the central document in this affair: the infamous “dossier.”... The dossier—compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of Fusion GPS, an opposition-research firm working for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee—fed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the media the principal allegations of the “collusion” narrative. It claimed Paul Manafort was at the center of a “well-developed” Trump-Russia “conspiracy”; that Carter Page served as his intermediary, conducting secret meetings with a Kremlin official and the head of a state energy company; that Michael Cohen held a clandestine meeting in Prague with Vladimir Putin cronies; and that the Russians had compromising material on Donald Trump, making him vulnerable to blackmail. The dossier was clearly important to the FBI probe. Its wild claims made up a significant section of the FBI’s application for a secret surveillance warrant on Mr. Page... Mr. Steele spent his first years of service under diplomatic cover in Moscow, later in Paris. And in 1999 he was among 117 British spies whose covers were publicly blown by a disgruntled ex-MI6 officer. The former spy, known to the public and therefore to Russia, also became known for sending reports to the U.S. government. Last year former Obama State Department official Jonathan Winer explained that in 2009 he became friendly with the self-employed Mr. Steele, and starting as early as 2013 ensured that “more than 100 of Steele’s reports” on Russia topics were shared with the State Department.”
    Interesting: “A faked letter has been used to bolster claims that the Obama administration sought to wiretap Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, using British intelligence services as a proxy.”
    The K-G garbage heter is based on faked letter from a PhD psychologist with Rabbi Greenblatt writing:
    “I hereby return to that which I wrote regarding this matter concerning the lady Ms. Tamar Epstein, who married one gentleman who was subsequently diagnosed with mental illness, such that physicians testified his condition is incurable, and immediately she began to separate from him. And it is agreed by the poskim that mental illness of such magnitude that it is impossible for a spouse to live with him, similar to that which they said no human can live with a snake etc., is a worthy reason to annul kiddushin for it is mekach ta‘ut”
    Susan’s 2013 NYS civil divorce from me is based on a faked garbage 1995 Rigler order of separation, follow KA, Joseph Orlow, IsraelReader, Yehoshua?

  2. trump doesnt need facts when he has his own imagination!
    really dumb!

  3. Torah thought on parshat קדשים
    “Do not degrade your daughter and make her a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry and the land be filled with depravity. You shall keep My sabbaths and venerate My sanctuary: I am the Lord. Do not turn to ghosts and do not inquire of familiar spirits, to be defiled by them: I the Lord am your God.” (Leviticus 19:29-31).
    “[The word of the Lord came to me] as follows: If a man divorces his wife, and she leaves him and marries another man, can he ever go back to her? Would not such a land be defiled [cf. Deut. 24.1–4]? Now you have whored with many lovers: can you return to Me?—says the Lord. Look up to the bare heights, and see: Where have they not lain with you? You waited for them on the roadside Like a bandit [lit. Arab] in the wilderness. And you defiled the land With your whoring and your debauchery. And when showers were withheld And the late rains did not come, You had the brazenness [lit. forehead] of a street woman, You refused to be ashamed.” (Jeremiah 3:1-3).
    Yevamoth 37b
    R. Eliezer b. Jacob said, Behold, when a man has intercourse with many women and does not know with which particular woman [among those who had issue from their unlawful connection] he had intercourse, and, similarly, when a woman with whom many men had intercourse does not know to which particular man her conception is due, the consequences are that a father will be marrying his daughter and a brother his sister, and the whole world will be filled with bastards [Thus it has been shown that, according to R. Eliezer b. Jacob, even persons of doubtful illegitimacy are described as bastards], and concerning this it was said “Do not degrade your daughter and make her a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry and the land be filled with depravity זמה” (Leviticus 19:29)”
    Nedarim 51a
    “And what is meant by zimmah זמה? [“Do not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter; nor shall you marry her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter and uncover her nakedness: they are kindred; it is depravity זמה” (Leviticus 18:17)] Do as before, [and I will tell you.] When he did so, he said, zimmah means zu mah hi [Who is she, i.e. , through promiscuous intercourse the parentage is unknown, and thus a father might marry his daughter.].”
    Yevamoth 6:
    “As in the case of keeping used in relation to the Sabbath one does not reverence the Sabbath but Him who ordered the observance of the Sabbath, so in the case of reverence used in relation to the Sanctuary, one is not to reverence the Sanctuary but Him who gave the commandment concerning the Sanctuary.”
    Hertz Chumash p. 504 on “You shall keep My sabbaths and venerate My sanctuary: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:30): The parenthetical insertion of this injunction may be intended to impress upon the Israelite that reverence for Sabbath and Sanctuary will keep him from heathenish rites and immoralities mentioned in the preceding verses and that following.”
    Hertz is brilliant. The Jews in the desert knew well that keeping the Sabbath is the source of blessings. The Manna from heaven never fell on the Sabbath. A double portion fell in Friday. I wrote on this once. The Jews in the desert knew well that offerings in the Sanctuary is the source of blessings. “and does not bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to present it as an offering to the Lord, before the Lord’s Tabernacle, bloodguilt shall be imputed to that man: he has shed blood; that man shall be cut off from among his people.” (Leviticus 17:4). The Torah forbad the Jews in the desert slaughtering animals for food.
    Reading Leviticus 19:19-31, verse 30 is so repeated in the Bible and seems out of place, sandwiched between immorality and superstition. No. Hertz says verse 30 is the key to fighting the יצר הרע of immorality and of אל האבת ואל הידענים

  4. JOE_THE_PROFESSORMay 1, 2019 at 5:52 AM

    Trump proves over and over the truth of "Kol HaPsel, b'mumo posel".
    On the other hand he is an exception to "B'Milsa d'asei ligloye, lo mshqre inshe".

  5. JOE_THE_PROFESSOR says “Trump proves over and over the truth of "Kol HaPsel, b'mumo posel". On the other hand he is an exception to "B'Milsa d'asei ligloye, lo mshqre inshe"
    No. First:
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת קידושין דף ע עמוד א
    ואמר רבה בר רב אדא, ואמרי לה אמר רבי סלא אמר רב המנונא: כל הנושא אשה שאינה הוגנת לו, אליהו כופתו והקב"ה רוצעו; ותנא: על כולם אליהו כותב והקב"ה חותם: אוי לו לפוסל את זרעו ולפוגם את משפחתו ולנושא אשה שאינה הוגנת לו, אליהו כופתו והקב"ה רוצעו; וכל הפוסל - פסול, ואינו מדבר בשבחא לעולם; ואמר שמואל: במומו פוסל.

    Kiddushin 70a
    “Rabbah son of R. Adda also said others state, R. Salla said in R. Hamnunaðs name: He who marries a wife who is not fit for him, Elijah binds him and the Holy One, blessed be He, flagellates him. And a Tanna taught: Concerning all these [Priests, Levites, and Israelites who marry a wife that is of unfit stock] Elijah writes and the Holy One, blessed he He, attests: Woe to him who disqualifies his seed, blemishes his family and him who takes to wife one who is not fit for him, Elijah binds and the Holy One, blessed be He, flagellates [Wilna Gaon deletes this; according to which render, and takes to wife]. And he who [continually] declares [others] unfit is [himself] unfit and never speaks in praise [of people]. And Samuel said: With his own blemish he stigmatizes [others] as unfit.”
    Samuel says “With his own blemish he stigmatizes [others] as unfit.” JOE_THE_PROFESSOR, you have to prove first Trump has such a blemish. Where is your proof?
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת יבמות דף קטו עמוד א
    איבעיא להו: עד אחד במלחמה, מהו? טעמא דעד אחד מהימן - משום דמילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי הוא לא משקר, ה"נ לא משקר, או דלמא טעמא דעד אחד - משום דהיא גופא דייקא ומינסבא, והכא [כיון דזימנין דסניא ליה] - לא דייקא ומינסבא?
    Yevamoth 115a
    “A question was raised: What is the law in respect of one witness in time of war [Is his evidence accepted]? Is the reason why one witness is [elsewhere] believed because no one would tell a lie which is likely to be exposed [lit., concerning a thing which is likely to be revealed, he does not lie] and, consequently. here also [the witness] would not tell a lie [and he is believed]; or is it possible that the reason why one witness [is believed] is because [the woman] herself makes careful enquiries and [only then] marries again. here. Therefore [cur. ed. insert in square brackets. since she sometimes hates him cf. readings cited by Wilna Gaon, Glosses.] [he would not be believed since a woman] does not make sufficient enquiries before she marries again?
    JOE_THE_PROFESSOR, you seem to hate Trump much as the agunah woman who hates her husband and wants to remarry without a get and without evidence of his possible death. You say Trump is an exception to rule that people don’t lie where the matter will be revealed. No. Trump, and his supporters such as me, don’t see any lies at all. So far Trump’s hunches seem reasonable. Your hatred for Trump is showing.


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