Tuesday, July 17, 2018

chareidim interested in moving to Israel


  1. Rav kook, the Leshem, Charon ish, isser Zalman Meltzer moved to Israel.

  2. When are you planning on moving?

  3. The Satmar Rebbe criticised his own chassidim for becoming "zionised".

  4. A tale of two meshugas:



    In the first article, an extreme anti-zionist hareidi is rejoicing about an imagined "prophecy" of Rav Elchonan HY'D, that religious zionism will collapse, due to the secularists.
    The second article, by a mumar, who is koifer and rodef b@Yisroel in every sense, is mourning the death of the socialist-atheist secular zionist entity and the birth of a nationalist-religious entity.

    Obviously the writers are absolute opposites in every sense. The hareidi author is Yoreh Shomayim, shomer Torah u'mitzvot, but only disapproves of the modern Zionist movement. The other, l'havdil, is nothing - he is total shagetz, atheist, and hater/denier of Jews and Torah, and the idea of a religious jewish state.

    Just as the frum writer is 99% correct, but with 1% error, the lehavdil atheist is 99% tumah, and has 1% of truth in his ideas - and that 1% is what he laments.
    The truth that the frum writer denies or rejects is the truth that atheist is bitter about. It is that Zionism has shown Reb Elchonon's prediction was wrong. It is not the religious, either Leumi or Chareidi are chas v'shalom at risk - they have grown and continue to do so. The atheist laments the fall of secularism within the Zionist movement, and the rise of religion, specifically Leumi religion. The complete opposite of Reb Elchonon's prediction. Even a Navi who makes a negative prophecy can be disproven, since we can avoid that by doing Teshuva. when did the modern teshuva movement gain traction? after 1967. What happened then - the Divine events in the liberation of Yerushalayim. who was instrumental in this - a famous Army rabbi who followed rav Kook. who opposed it - Satmar and NK.
    The extreme atheist and the satmar both have the shared meshugas of destroying the Jewish state and surrendering the land to the goyim. that is the only point they agree on, that 1%, and the 99% they are complete opposites.
    I wonder what Rav Elchonon would say about that ?

  5. Many if not most of his chasidim didn't go for his arguments. But they stayed on.

    Their children, and grandchildren, are heavily indoctrinated. That's what ceremonies like burning the flag, cursing out tziyonim, Shea stadium, etc are really all about.

    I am still friendly with my satmar cousins, but their children and grandchildren, fuggedaboutit.

  6. So did the satmar rebbe.

  7. 1) Rav Sternbuch "forbids" French Jews from making aliyah to Israel


    2) Actually, french Jews , even in Tel Aviv are reviving Torah uMitzvot


    3) Intermarriage rate in france is 30-40% https://www.interfaithfamily.com/news_and_opinion/synagogues_and_the_jewish_community/french_jews_fewer_older_and_intermarried-yet_leaders_relieved/

    4) Like his predecessor the Satmar rebbe, Rav Sternbuch is complicit in the shoah and intermarriage of French Jews, which he falsely forbids from coming to Eretz Yisroel - contrary to the talmud which says its better to be in Israel even if they are Ovdei Avodah Zarah.

  8. if we the rabbonim of Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora do not proclaim publicly that it is forbidden for them to come to Israel until such time it is certain that they will be settled in chareidi areas and attend chareidi mosdos.

  9. So settling in a Jewish city, with Sephardi Shuls, mikvaot, dati high schools, kosher supermarkets is assur, and it's better to assimilate?

  10. " that they will be settled in chareidi areas and attend chareidi mosdos."

    very interesting - another contradiction the Satmar/NK position:
    So mass aliyah is now permitted, as long as it is done with hareidi communities. So the 3 oaths no longer apply, if you have a Mehadrin heter?
    What a joke.


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