Sunday, March 4, 2018

Did Tamar Epstein send shaloch mones to Rav Kaminetsky?


  1. faithand truth
    “Interesting that when a woman's refusal to accept a get is from pure vengeance, you all support the loophole that makes her protest irrelevant. But when the man's refusal to let his wife go free is from pure vengeance (which is very often the case) then you are all outraged by any attempt to employ halachic loopholes to compassionately set her free. Your attachment to male power and privilege is unseemly and, hypocritical.”
    Could faithand truth tell us is she supports the Kamenistky-Greenblatt heter? Surely we all believe in “And I will espouse you forever: I will espouse you with righteousness and justice, And with goodness and mercy, And I will espouse you with faithfulness; Then you shall be devoted to the Lord.” (Hosea 2:22-23).

  2. Not a word about the petira of hagaon rav shmuel auerbach zatza"l?

  3. I don't believe he was attacking , rather was surprised.
    Would you be able to transcribe R Shternbuchs hesped?

  4. What old comments system? It's still Disqus.

  5. What did Rav Chaim do or say relating to this topic?

  6. I watched some videos of Rav Kanievsky shlita. He is a tremendous gaon, who knows when to speak and when not to.

  7. Weird, doesn't work on my PC. I have to use a treif smartphone.

  8. Welcome back to the old comments system 馃槂

  9. Where are your words about him? Instead of using his petira as excuse to attack me please say something nice about Rav Shmuel perhaps a guest post?

  10. I don't have a blog, and im not a writer

  11. Nothing, I was just making a short vort.

  12. Yes, and he can even speak from both sides of his mouth at the same time!

  13. R sternbuch view is closer to Rav shmuel than to R Kanievsky. Rav Shmuel was opposed to the army and the state. Rav Kanievsky is not Zionist, but he is the Gadol hador.

  14. What does R Chaim have to with this?
    What's your affinity with r chaiC? Lol

  15. Daattorah, may I talk of the NYS Ct of Appeals? “New York's highest appellate court was established [by the NYS Constitution] to articulate statewide principles of law in the context of deciding particular lawsuits.”
    I say that the NYS Ct of Appeals must establish principles of law such as “You shall appoint magistrates and officials for your tribes, in all the settlements that the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due justice. You shall not judge unfairly: you shall show no partiality; you shall not take bribes, for bribes blind the eyes of the discerning and upset the plea of the just. Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Deuteronomy 16:18-20). The kangaroo court of the late Gerald Garson, who sat in jail 4 years for bribery, would never have happened if victims of criminal court activity had access to the NYS Ct of Appeals.

  16. Well, various innuendos about gedolim are being made, so we should take example of Rav Chaim. I'm not litvish, or hareidi.

  17. Time for Jews to leave America and make aliya to Israel.
    “This is happening in America? Yes, America, where we expect to “breathe free.”
    What did we ever do to this guy who leads America’s Nation of Islam which draws multitudes…and welcomes Linda Sarsour and Women’s March co-chair Tamika D. Mallory? Or like the prophet Micah…”

    “In the days to come, The Mount of the Lord’s House shall stand Firm above the mountains; And it shall tower above the hills. The peoples shall gaze on it with joy, And the many nations shall go and shall say: Come, Let us go up to the Mount of the Lord, To the House of the God of Jacob; That He may instruct us in His ways, And that we may walk in His paths. For instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Thus He will judge among the many peoples, And arbitrate for the multitude of nations, However distant; And they shall beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning hooks.
    Nation shall not take up Sword against nation; They shall never again know war;
    But every man shall sit Under his grapevine or fig tree With no one to disturb him.” (Micah 4:1-4)

    Netanyahu mentioned King Cyrus in his 30” speech at AIPAC Wednesday. Bravo! See my
    “God Roused the Spirit of King Cyrus

    “And in the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, when the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah was fulfilled, the Lord roused the spirit of King Cyrus of Persia to issue a proclamation throughout his realm by word of mouth and in writing, as follows: Thus said King Cyrus of Persia: The Lord God of Heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and has charged me with building Him a House in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Any one of you of all His people, the Lord his God be with him and let him go up.” (2 Chronicles 36:22-23).”

  18. Agreed..
    No response? 馃槙

  19. I’m deeply alarmed by Kohr’s speech at AIPAC. See
    Some are wise, like Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, and some are foolish, and so Howard Kohr had more to say: “We must all work toward that future: two states for two peoples. One Jewish with secure and defensible borders, and one Palestinian with its own flag and its own future. Today that dream seems remote. This is tragic.” No, when a Jewish leader talks like that – that’s tragic. We begin to understand why people like me get left out, since I’d likely turn impolite, and even downright Biblical. I’d quote from the Book of Exodus, where Moses, alarmed at the Golden Calf, declares, “Whoever is for G-d, to me!””
    Daf hayomi, Avodah Zarah 53b “If with the intention of returning [to claim the idol] as happened during the war waged by Joshua [Against the Amorites for the possession of Canaan.], it is not annulled! But in the instance of the war waged by Joshua did [the Amorites] return? [Why is that cited as an illustration?] This is the meaning: If [the owners] have the intention of returning, it is analogous to the war waged by Joshua and there can be no annulment. [And the idol would have to be destroyed in the same manner, as everything captured during the war against the Amorites was under a ban (Josh. VI, 19).] Why, then, compare it to [Lit., make it depend on.] the war waged by Joshua? He thereby informs us of something incidentally, and it is as Rab Judah said in the name of Rab: If an Israelite set up a brick to worship [but did not do so] and an idolater came and worshipped it, it is prohibited. [And cannot be annulled, despite the rule that a person cannot render prohibited what does not belong to him.] Whence have we that it is prohibited? [Although it was not his property.] R. Eleazar said: It is the same as happened at the beginning of the settlement in the land of Israel; for the Divine Law declared, “Tear down their altars, smash their pillars, put their sacred posts to the fire, and cut down the images of their gods, obliterating their name from that site” (Deuteronomy 12:3). Now it was an inheritance to [the Israelites] from their ancestors [The land having been promised to the patriarchs.] and a man cannot make prohibited what does not belong to him! [So how could the Amorites make the Asherim prohibited when they really belonged to the Israelites?] If [it is assumed that the reason was] on account of those [Asherim] which existed there originally, [Before the promise to the patriarchs, and were consequently the property of the Amorites.] then just an annulment would have sufficed![ The Israelites could have compelled the Amorites to annul the Asherim and there would have been no need to burn them.] But inasmuch as the Israelites worshipped the Golden Calf, they revealed their proneness for idolatry, so [Although the land really belonged to the Israelites.] when the idolaters came [and worshipped Asherim] they acted according to [the Israelites’] bidding. [Therefore the Asherim were in fact idols of the Israelites and as such could not be annulled and had to be destroyed.] Similarly when an Israelite set up a brick, he revealed his proneness for idolatry; therefore when a heathen came and worshipped it he acted according to [the Israelite's] bidding. But perhaps the proneness was only for the Golden Calf and for nothing else! [And the Asherim were not idolatrous objects of the Israelites and should be annulled.] No; Scripture states, “This he took from them and cast in a mold, and made it into a molten calf. And they exclaimed, This is your god, 讗诇讛 讗诇讛讬讱 讬砖专讗诇 [Note the plural. These are your gods.] O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus 32:4). Which proves that they lusted for many gods. Conclude, then, that all [the Asherim] which existed at the same time as the Golden Calf are prohibited, but those planted subsequently [[After they had repented of their sin.] are permitted! [If annulled.] Who is able to distinguish between them?

  20. 1) what is this post about?
    2) what do AIPAC, Farrakhan, the NYS Ct of Appeals, and Monica Lewinsky have to do with it?

  21. the browser I was using wasn't showing the page very well, but in Chrome it seems to be working normally.

  22. Warren Burstein writes:
    1) what is this post about?
    2) what do AIPAC, Farrakhan, the NYS Ct of Appeals, and Monica Lewinsky have to do with it?
    “Martial diplomacy regards negotiation between adversary states as a form of warfare by other means,”
    This post is about Tamar Epstein and Rabbi Kamenistky. Tamar was on war path with feminists such as Susan helping in social media. The big surprise the feminists produced was the fake/phony PhD psychology letter that Aaron Friedman is insane. Based on that letter Rabbi K approved the marriage with Aaron annulled. Did Susan write that fake letter? Susan wrote a fake/phony 1995 Rigler Order of Separation that got her $25,000 fines against me, my inheritance, my house and my pension. I never knew that Susan was on the war path. Ian Anderson, my lawyer, told me to write love letters to Susan. He eventually told me to divorce Susan. Tsvi, my son, also told me to divorce Susan. Susan never explained to me why she wanted a divorce. Rabbi Asher in Jerusalem told me to send Susan a divorce and see if she accepts. B”h she accepted it and afterwards God sent me my dear wife Yemima.
    Yes, Rabbi K should apologize to Tamar the same as Bill Clinton should apologize to Monika.

  23. May I elaborate on my previous comment? “Do not devise harm against your fellow Who lives trustfully with you. Do not quarrel with a man for no cause, When he has done you no harm” (Proverbs 3:29-30).
    讗诇 转讞专砖 注诇 专注讱 专注讛 讜讛讜讗 讬讜砖讘 诇讘讟讞 讗转讱: 讗诇 转专讬讘 注诐 讗讚诐 讞谞诐 讗诐 诇讗 讙诪诇讱 专注讛: (诪砖诇讬 讙' 讻"讟-诇').
    诪爪讜讚转 爪讬讜谉 诪砖诇讬 驻专拽 讙 驻住讜拽 讻讟
    转讞专讜砖 - 注谞讬谉 诪讞砖讘讛 讻诪讜 讞讜专砖讬 讗讜谉 (砖诐 /讗讬讜讘/ 讚'):
    专砖"讬 诪砖诇讬 驻专拽 讙 驻住讜拽 诇
    讗诇 转专讬讘 注诐 讗讚诐 - 诇讛转诇讜谞谉 注诇讬讜: 讗诐 诇讗 讙诪诇讱 专注讛 - 砖注讘专 注诇 讛诪爪讜讛 讛讻转讜讘讛 讘转讜专讛 讜讗讛讘转 诇专注讱 讻诪讜讱 (讜讬拽专讗 讬讟) 讜诪讬 砖讛讜讗 专砖注 专砖讗讬 讗转' 诇砖讜谞讗讜:
    “As I have seen, those who plow evil And sow mischief reap them” (Job 4:8)
    讗讬讜讘 驻专拽 讚 驻住讜拽 讞
    讻讗砖专 专讗讬转讬 讞专砖讬 讗讜谉 讜讝专注讬 注诪诇 讬拽爪专讛讜:


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