Monday, November 14, 2016

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says Trump tries to "silence his critics with the threat of legal action."

Several hours after Donald Trump's campaign manager warned Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to be careful "in a legal sense" after he released a statement calling the president-elect a "sexual predator," Reid's spokesman criticized Trump for trying to "silence his critics with the threat of legal action."

“It only took five days for President-elect Trump to try to silence his critics with the threat of legal action. This should shock and concern all Americans," Adam Jentleson, Reid's deputy chief of staff, said in a statement released Sunday.

“Trump has always used threats and intimidation to silence his critics," Jentleson continued. "Now he wants to silence a discussion of the acts of hate and threats of violence being committed in his name across the country. Silencing this discussion normalizes hate and intimidates the victims."

On Sunday morning, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, appearing on "Fox News Sunday" with host Chris Wallace, said she found Reid's public comments about Trump and other Republicans "to be beyond the pale."

"He should be very careful about characterizing somebody in a legal sense. He thinks — he thinks he's just being some kind of political pundit there, but I would say be very careful about the way you characterize it," Conway said to Wallace.

Conway then tried to backtrack from her comments, saying she was not suggesting Trump would sue the Nevada Democrat but was calling "for responsibility and maturity and decency for somebody who has held one of the highest positions in our government, in a country of more than 300 million people."


  1. This wouldn't by any chance be the same Harry Reid that tried to shut the FBI director up through the threat of legal action? Right. But it is OK to level all sorts of accusations against Trump, since Trump is deplorable. As was Bush. As was Romney. As was Bush senior etc etc.

  2. Or the same Harry Reid who lied about Romney on the Senate floor, saying that he had not paid taxes in a decade? Or who is now encouraging the rioters, and refusing to accept the results of an unambiguous electoral victory?


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