Thursday, August 18, 2016

Poster warning against rings that capture and abuse chareidi children in Jerusalem and other places - and undermine their Yiddishkeit


  1. You are talking about *Kidnappings*, and where is the Police in all this? Go tell these bobbe maises for savta. I don't believe a word of all this.

  2. Does this scapegoating of Christian missionaries remind you of blood libels against Jews in the Middle Ages?

  3. Rav Eidenson, now do you regret criticizing Rabbi Berkowitz the way you did?

  4. I gather you have not been following this topic. Dr. Silberg - the expert that supposedly was consulted by those who have calling it satanic abuse - told me that she had seen no evidence that there was such a thing.

    Either this poster is phony - or they are not basing themselves on a recognized expert in the field of child abuse. Who is Rabbi Berkowitz relying on? It is definitely not Dr. Silberg

  5. The poster claims that Rabbi Ezriel Aurbach, Rav Shamai Gross, Rav Avigdor Nebntzal, Rav Naftoli Nussbam, Rav Nossen Kupshitz and others have joined in the "call to be careful."
    Does mean that they agree that there is satanic abuse - that in an instant turns the child into a sinner or agent of satan, or something like that? Or do they join in the call to be careful with your children e.g. toddlers should not walk home from gan unsupervised; be careful with who you hire to watch them etc etc.?

  6. Oh where oh where is wise Owl.

  7. There was another less detailed letter going around which had actual signatures on it. Some the same as those Rabbis stated at the bottom of this one and some different.

    Do you really feel comfortable maintaining all the things you said regarding Rav Berkowitz, now that so many other great Rabbis have stated support for his position?

    We still haven't seen any Rabbis come out in support of your position. If it is so obvious and anyone who is not naive and uninformed could work it out, why have none of them supported you?

  8. you still don't get it. There is no evidence to support his position or the position of this poster. Putting rabbis' signature on a poster doesn't really mean much - even they are authentic. It is not likely that they actually researched the issue or have the ability to research it properly.

    The Eidea Charedis and other rabbis rejected the views of Rabbi Berkowitz - which clearly shows you don't really know what is going on.

  9. The rabbonim named did not sign this. It just says they came out with statement(s),of 'concer' without giving specifics.

  10. I highly doubt that Rav Berkowitz would have given that talk or that the Rabbis would have signed a letter if they had not investigated the matter to the best of their ability and were sure it was true. Why would they risk damaging their reputation by being proven to be naive? Obviously they must be confident that this ring of sadistic perpetrators actually exists.

  11. Not really interested in your doubts or lack of them. I want to see evidence. There is none according to both the police and Dr. Silberg. The Eida Chareidis and other rabbonim including rabbis in Sanhedria don't accept the satanic ring theory. Yes they are confident but they are wrong because they don't have the competence or knowledge to deal with this. There is not necessarily a correlation between confidence and being right.

  12. I understood from this poster that it is about a christian cult that wants to convert children to christianity or lure them away from judaism, not that it is a satanic cult that sexually abuses the children...

  13. no that is not what it says - it specifically says that the cult is Christian (which includes satanic ideology) and that the children are sexually abused. It uses a euphemism - that their holiness is attacked

  14. There's no comparison.

    1) The Jews were accused of murder!
    2) The Jews were attacked in the most vicious ways.
    3) Those accusations were intentional falsehoods.
    4) Most importantly, the Jews were not seeking anything from the Christians - they just wanted to keep to themselves and observe the Torah peacefully. The Missionaries are actively seeking to drag people away from their heritage.

    There are more differences as well. There's absolutely no comparison!

  15. Strange that you promote the views of the Eidah over that of R Berkovits in this respect. Obvious that the Eidah would seek to deny the existence of a Charedi sex abuse ring.

  16. strange that you misunderstand. It is not the Eidah against Rav Berkowitz. it is a range of people including rabbis, psychologists, child abuse professionals etc etc. we are dealing with allegations of a ring that after several years has produced not a single actual bad guy


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