Thursday, February 25, 2016

Attempted abduction case in Brooklyn falls apart after suspect, a man from a prominent Orthodox family, comes forward - Sex abuse is only a crime for non-Jewish assailants

NY Daily News     An investigation into an attempted abduction of a 14-year-old girl in Brooklyn fell apart after it was learned that the suspect comes from a prominent Orthodox family, law enforcement sources said Wednesday.

The suspect, a 20-year-old Orthodox man, showed up at the 61st Precinct with his attorney Tuesday — a day after the NYPD released an enhanced photo of him as a suspect in the crime.

But when investigators contacted the victim after the suspect came forward the family "stopped cooperating with the cops," a police source said.

A source with knowledge of the investigation said the girl changed her mind about talking to authorities after receiving pressure from the community.

The suspect's father is the principal of a yeshiva and his grandfather is an "influential rabbi," the source said.

The victim was with her mother when the suspect — initially described as a white or Hispanic man — approached her on E. 7th St. in Midwood about 4:30 p.m. Feb. 16.

"Come here," the man demanded of the teen.

When the girl refused, he grabbed her by the shoulder and wouldn't let go until the victim's former teacher intervened, officials said.

"The case and the investigation is closed," an NYPD spokesman said Wednesday. "No one is charged." [...]


  1. NOW I GET IT!

    If my father a rabbi was a principal of a school/yeshiva and my grandfather was a prominent rabbi, I wouldn't have to be an anonymous blogger, I could just be a respectable columnist like Rabbi Mordechai kaminetsky who never lets you forget who HIS grandfather and father are, and he always tells tales about his grandfather Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky and his father R Binyomin Kamientsky the brother of Ra Shmuel Kaminetsky!

    Seems like there are always different sets of rules for the famous rabbis who can make up there own rules as they go along versus the ordinary Chaim Yankel citizens who have to abide by them, wow, life is sooooo unfair, boo-hoo, or is it tee-hee?!

  2. What the hell is wrong with you.

  3. What the heck does what one young punk who should be locked up does have to do with Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky? As for his tales of his grandfather, it shows how far his uncle and cousin have strayed.

  4. There is something suspect about the picture. In that rag called the Daily News the top pictures are of a shorter and heavier boy than the bottom picture (the one being used for this post).

  5. Attempted abduction has nothing to do with sex abuse.

    And he attempted to abduct the girl in front of the mother? And a former teacher? On a pretty busy street? Was it on the kings highway side, or the east 7th street side, both pretty busy? And she's 14, not 4, even if she's sheltered?

  6. Either he is so used on preying on young girls that he does not care anymore where it will happen or who will see it or he has a serious mental disorder.

  7. Politically IncorrectFebruary 25, 2016 at 5:52 PM

    I have a hunch that his name will be posted here once it will be found out....more like a given. ..

  8. Oh, so he only wanted to abduct her? To do what to her? What's your point that she's 14 not 4? That she's an adult (which she's not) and therefore it's okay for him to grab her in the street? Here's more details since I see you've been hibernating for the past week:

  9. The police released the photos and yes, it is the same guy.

  10. Something very sketchy about this story.

  11. The photos were released by the NYPD. It is in fact the same guy in both pictures.

  12. It is very clearly the same person!

  13. Just noting that this story says nothing about the mother or former teacher being there.

    I wonder if this guy knows the girl and this was something ongoing between them. That might be why the family is keeping it quiet.

  14. 14 meaning she knows to scream, and she's not immature not to run away. This is kings highway, in middle of the day. A block off ocean parkway. There are more witnesses than a previous teacher and a mother who seems to have been lost while this was taking place.

    And abduction doesn't mean sexual assault. Some abducters are just plain craz

  15. If he knew her he wouldn't have run for his life when the teacher caught him. Since when do 20 year old men hang out with 14 year old girls in the frum world?

  16. I'm not spelling out the possibilities. Figure it out yourself.

  17. Read the original story from when it happened on 2/16. You are totally clueless. The girl did scream and she did try to fight him off. When the teacher came to her rescue the perp fled into a Dunkin Donuts on Kings Hwy. Luckily there were surveillance cameras. No one accused him of sexual assault. The charge would have been attempted kidnapping.

  18. Here we go again:

  19. Something like this happened to a friend of mine from Brooklyn when she was around the same age (7th or 8th grade I think?).... She told me she was in such shock (in her circles men barely looked at women let alone touch them) that she lost her voice and could not make a sound.... (She did manage to wiggle free and run away) but the point is, some people become shell shocked and can not just scream...

  20. I disagree, there is a difference in height and wight. Unless the top picture is distorted. The features are not the same either.

  21. Funny! Why ask me? ask the 20 year old goon/dude who grabbed the girl and created a Chillul HaShem!

    This is like straight out the Chumash when a man tries to be "me'anes" a girl, if she screams, if they're in the fields, if there are people nearby, if she they're alone, etc like some other lamdonim above are trying to dig up excuses for the inexcusable. Nothing wrong with him, right? Just with "me"!

    Anyhow, my point was that I was illustrating the double standards, veyesh omrim, hypocrisy, that there is one law for the mighty and another set of laws for the "little people" -- like the multi-Billionaire Leona Helmsley famously said before she was caught and jailed for tax evasion: "only the little people pay taxes"!

    Have some imagination man, and be honest with yourself at least!

  22. Your disagreement will not reality change.

  23. Headline and comments and blogosphere (,have to see original story) refers to 'sexual assault'.

    Ifshe screamed (per comment here) she did right.

    If young man's family made settlement with young lady's family, don't interfere. Especially since the family will hopefully take steps to prevent recurrence (counseling, assuming it helps, reports go both ways,; pack him off to israel)

  24. so just cover it up? Are you serious - we have been there and it typically doesn't work. the normal remedy is to send the problematic individual to someone else neighborhood where is is not supervised and nobody knows that he needs to be watched.

  25. I am asking why you used Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzsky in your initial rant?

  26. I'm not saying it does, but A: is this a sex abuse issue? B: reality is, it will be / already was covered up, till it happens again. (supposedly, shomrim in BP and Flatbush have "confidential" files, with pix, of these people. how effective?, somewhat.)
    Shabbat shalom


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