Sunday, July 19, 2015

Beth's case taken up by new president of the board of deputies

The following appeared in the Jewish Telegraph Friday July 17, 2015 page 26

Arkush: I will be robust for Beth

JONATHAN Arkush has promised to “robustly”take-up the case of Beth Alexander with the leaders of the Austrian Jewish community.

Last week, we revealed how 18 rabbis from Britain had signed an open letter criticising their Austrian counterparts and the community there over the treatment of the Mancunian mother. Beth, formerly married to Dr Michael Schlesinger, of Vienna, lost custody of her twin sons, now aged six. She has access to them for only six overnight stays each month and has fought a bitter battle through the courts with her ex-husband.
Mr Arkush told the Jewish Telegraph: “It is a matter of deep concern. This is something I am personally committed to. “It is a painful case and also one which is deeply regrettable. I will do my best to move things along.”

He also said he, together with Board senior vice president Richard Verber, last week met with Martin Eichtinger, the Austrian ambassador to the UK. “I am also planning to meet Jewish leaders in Austria and be robust in dealing with the matter with them,” Mr Arkush added. [...]


  1. I remember Jonathan Arkush made a public statement about two years ago that "THIS IS A MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, A STAIN ON AUSTRIA"

    Don't the Austrian Jewish Community feel any shame? Aren't they embarrassed?

    I think Jonathan Arkush should send a good clear message to the rest of the world that no one should allow their children to marry an Austrian, because if there is a marriage breaks down, this is how an outsider will be treated!

    The behaviour of the Austrian Jewish Community is disgraceful. Chief Rabbi Eisenberg needs to take some responsiblity to put them right. Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg, his son and a Rabbi in Manchester, where Jonathan Arkush made his vow to The Jewish Telegraph newspaper this week that he will not let this matter rest, should tell him!

    We have heard enough bad about Rabbis recently and the bad ones are being flushed out and being put into disgrace. Chief Rabbi Eisenberg should publically make a stand and do some good like Jonathan Arkush. He needs to do this not only for the good of two little boys and their wonderful capabale mother, but to stop the Austria risk living on a Island in disgrace from Jewish Communites around the world!

  2. Here is a video uploaded by Dovid Eisenberg himself urging people "to do the right thing". Yet he himself is helping the corruption in Vienna by not disclosing the people who have organized it all. His father is the chief Rabbi, he is in regular contact with his mother about the case, yet is more loyal to his Austrian corrupt friends than he is to justice. "Do the right thing"???? Don't make me laugh, Dovid Eisenberg!!!!!

    One day the people of Manchester will realize what kind of person they have at their pulpit.

  3. The Austrian Jewish community use the guilt of the holocaust to milk the Austrian Government for more and more money for the Jewish community which is disproportionate with the number of Jews living in Austria. However, they have no scruples how they behave towards a fellow Jew who came to Vienna following her marriage. At best they have treated her no better than how the Nazis treated the Jews. Pots and kettles come to mind (this is an English saying meaning that they criticize others for the way they are treated and yet have no guilt at how they treat others in exactly the same way and do not even see the irony)

  4. Perhaps he should also "think hard about his decisions":

  5. Jonathan Arkush is evidently a very decent person and - unlike the Vienna crew - a good Jew who is prepared to fight for a young Jewish woman who has been treated like dirt by both the religious and secular leaders of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Vienna.

    Why has one former secular leader who seems to retain a great deal of power dared to be so dishonest as to continue to spread false rumors emanating from the Vienna Community about Beth Alexander's mental health - IN GREAT BRITAIN?

    Why has a current leader childishly blocked people attempting to post about the Schlesinger twins' case on his Facebook page?

    Why has the Chief Rabbi not supported Beth Alexander? He has looked on passively while two young members of his community - Benji and Sammy Schlesinger - are concealed by Chabad behind closed doors and stunted in their development by their father.

    Something is rotten in the state of Austria.

  6. It was interesting listening to Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg below!
    Is he doing the right thing? What is he doing to help Beth who is a girl from his community. What is he saying to his father who is in the perfect position to help. Please Rabbi Eisenberg stop making sermons and preaching until you know how to do the right thing!

  7. Can anyone in Austria or anywhere else in the world respect the Chief Rabbi and his cohorts in Vienna or anyone else in the community there who complains there is antisemitism in Austria (there is actually very little) when they don't give a hoot about the fates of Beth and her sons? Chabad also appears to be in on the victimisation of these innocent kids and their mum. So which of these parties is guilty not only of grossly un-Jewish behavior but also of threatening any person with a conscience to such an extent that to date a whistleblower has not appeared on the horizon? The Vienna Jewish Community resembles a den of iniquity - how can any Austrian feel sympathetic towards them?

  8. 6 nights, (at least) 9 to go. Is that so difficult judge???
    I didn't know there are so many mothers in this situation ( It is a new trend especially in the civilized world. So many (little) children who don't see their mother anymore (for no reason). So unbelievable sad. It is true that mothers get custody when the father is not interested. But when he is, the mother is unfit to take care of the children, or to poor or has no partner, family, friends to help her. Didn't all these horrible fathers have a mother when they were little?? Even Kelly Rutherford wrote a letter to Obama and offered him a petition to get her little children back who are also with their father. At least she got shared custody which for some reason doesn't exist in Austria.
    Alexandra L. did also loose her young twins because of Ulrike Willinger (Die Frau ist selber Krank im Kopf). After 2 years she got in writing that this conclusion was false. She is suing her now. Does this Ulrike have kids of her own? Declaring all these mothers as unfit based on what an evil and sick husband is saying ( (

  9. It is really scary to read how damaging it is for boys to grow up without a mother. So many studies are showing that. These boys want to be (also) with their mother but they are not allowed to. They think that their mother doesn't love them because she goes away everytime after a few hours. They don't understand that a judge and their own father and grandma are not allowing them to be with their mother. It can't be otherwise than that they ask (cry) for their mother when they are with their dad or nannies when dad is working ( and many others).
    Why is this information not enough to give the mother much more access to her children. There is not a single woman (and even a lot of men) on this planet who doesn't believe that these boys also want to be with their mother. Change it into 50/50 en in a few years let them decide. The father must really hate it that their mother is still alive.

  10. I visited the Jewish Museum in Vienna last week and noticed a magazine there in which Martin Engelberg, the husband of the museum director, told readers how Austria has been treating its current and former Jewish citizens so much better lately than in the past. Yippee! Some Jews are having their artworks restituted, some Nobel Prize winners are being invited to Vienna (and given special permission by the Lord Mayor to walk their dogs in the city parks!), and a former chancellor even apologized for the wrongs done to the Jewish community in the past. All very appropriate and laudable.

    However, what about their fellow Jews? One reads that this is a very split community with animosities of different kinds playing a role which is said to be extremely over the top. The most horrific of all in the past six years is very clearly the discrimination against Beth Alexander and her two young sons, who were born in Vienna in 2009. They have been the subject of the animosity of an alarming number of people in the Vienna IKG since it became clear that Beth, as the daughter of a well-known, respected English Orthodox Jewish family from Manchester and a Cambridge Uni grad, had made the mistake of marrying a community member whose extraordinarily abnormal behavior had been concealed from her prior to their wedding day.

    Instead of loving and protecting the vulnerable Beth and her sons from this monster in their midst, the Vienna Jewish community has done everything in their power to cause the children's development to be damaged and to ostracize Beth and her family. Love and protection of the weak are obviously not characteristics of the Vienna IKG - apparently a selfish organization that only cares about what the Austrians think of them but not about how they treat their own. Shame on the community heads for allowing their members to be so callous and to threaten those who tell the truth (as we read below)!

  11. Oh, cut it out for crying out loud. Stop blaming the entire Jewish community of an entire country for a dispute between some that some are involved in. Even if one side in this dispute is completely wrong. the blame belongs to the wronging parties not to the entire Jewish community.

  12. David to the contrary. It is not about blame. Why don't the Jewish Community in Vienna help to put this right. They children do not deserve to be taken away from their mother. They should make the court aware that this is not the Jewish way!

  13. David, wouldn't you agree that the rabbis and the community board have a responsibility to apologize for their behavior, eg their loshon Hara to Beth's detriment, false statements to the court, etc, on behalf of the community at large?


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