Thursday, July 17, 2014

Chicago Beis Din's advisory against Meisel's Seminaries - still in effect

There has been some discussion regarding the apparent disparity between the advisory of the Chicago Beis Din and the announcement of the Israeli Beis Din. In particular are these seminaries to be avoided for the time being?

See Rabbi Yair Hoffman's  The seminary scandal and halacha

The Chicago Beis Din issued an advisory not to be associated with these seminaries  July 10, 2013.
"Based on the testimony and documents received by the Beis Din, including testimony by the claimants and by Elimelech Meisels, the Beis Din beleives that students in these seminaries are at risk of harm and it does not recommend that prospective students attend these seminaries at this time."

However the Israeli Beis Din on July 13, 2013 said  that the matter is fully under control  (my translation)
In light of the above facts, there is no reason to refrain from sending girls to study in these seminaries or that students already there shouldn't remain. It can be presumed that the well trained staff will continue doing their job in a professional manner and that they will properly educate their students.
Some have reconciled the two statements by saying that the Israeli Beis Din announcement came after that of the Chicago Beis Din and supercedes it. Which could be understood from the statement of the Chicago Beis Din itself.
"Because these institutions and Mr. Meisels are located in Israel andnot the United States, a distinguished Israeli beis din consisting of Rabbis Menachem Mendel Shafran, Chaim Malinowitz, and Tzvi Gartner has assumed responsiblity for this matter."
 However the following letter posted on Frum Follies clearly indicates that the advisory is still in effect for the time being and that there is apparently a difference of opinion between the two beis dins as to whether students should stay away from these seminaries for the time being.

Hebrew Theological College
7135 N. Carpenter Rd.
Skokie, IL 60077
Fax: 847-745-0200
Dear xxxxxx,
In response to the decision of the Chicago Special Beis Din regarding Pninim, Binas Bais Yaakov, Chedvas Bais Yaakov and Keser Chaya seminaries, HTC is currently reviewing the status of these programs with our college. Meanwhile, we request that you send us the signed IEP Participation Agreement (see attached) and $1,500 Program fee by the July 31, 2014 deadline if you have not yet done so. We will not deposit any checks or run any credit card payments unless we determine that our affiliation with these seminaries will continue for the 2014-15 school year. If your program fee has already been deposited, please be assured that if the decision is ultimately made to suspend our affiliation with these seminaries, we will fully refund your payment.

Further communication will be forthcoming as soon as information is available.
Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman
Interim Chancellor
Hebrew Theological College


  1. So frummfollies is your source of 'sound' information?

    Could it possibly be too far fetched; that the Hebrew Theological College is not aware of the Israel Beis Din's decision just yet? the date is just one day apart (Isreal's Beis Din letter is sign on the 7/13/14) since no mention of the Israel's Beis Din is found on HTC letter.

    Would it be to much to assume that the Beis Dins don't contradict? - Chicago
    transferred 'responsibility' to Israel's jurisdiction. In the meantime
    recommended to refrain 'at this
    time' from registering until the Israel Beis Din convenes.

    Now that Israel has issued it's recommendations,
    and attest to their fulfillment, there should no longer be a concern to
    register; as is the Israel Beis Din ruling states.

    As far as what whoever did or didn't do, the Israel Beis Din states it will deliberate on the matter within days.

  2. So frummfollies is your source of 'sound' information?

    Could it
    possibly be too far fetched; that the Hebrew Theological College is not
    aware of the Israel Beis Din's decision just yet? the date is just one
    day apart (Isreal's Beis Din letter is sign on the 7/13/14) since no
    mention of the Israel's Beis Din is found on HTC letter.

    Would it be to much to assume that the Beis Dins don't contradict? - Chicago
    transferred 'responsibility' to Israel's jurisdiction. In the meantime
    recommended to refrain 'at this
    time' from registering until the Israel Beis Din convenes.

    Now that Israel has issued it's recommendations,
    and attest to their fulfillment, there should no longer be a concern to
    register; as is the Israel Beis Din ruling states.

    As far as what whoever did or didn't do, the Israel Beis Din states it will deliberate on the matter within days.

  3. They don't contradict; Chicago
    transferred the 'responsibility' to Israel jurisdiction. In the meantime
    recommended until the Israel Beis Din convenes to refrain 'at this
    time' from registering. Now that Israel has issued it's recommendations,
    and attest to their fulfillment, there is no longer a concern to
    register; as is evident from the Israel Beis Din ruling on the matter.

    As far as what whoever did or didn't do, the Israel Beis Din states it will deliberate on the matter within days.


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