Monday, July 28, 2014

American Gedolim against religious coercion by Israeli Gedolim

Confirmed! It's a forgery.

The signatures of Rav Yosef Rosenblum, Rav Dovid Feinstein and Rav Shlomo Miller also look forged.

It's also almost impossible that Rav Refoel Shor got involved in a communal matter such as this. He doesn't get involved in communal matters, especially if means criticizing others.

Kikar haShabbat


  1. Kikar isn't a r reliable source. Confirmation this isn't a forgery? What would've prompted this letter now?

  2. R Belsky's signature looks forged, as he currently signs Chaim Yisroel Haleivi. This letter does not have the Chaim.

  3. I have heard that there has been some very strong language used by some in Bnei Brak against others in the Chareidi community. Can this be clarified?

  4. The American gedolim are against the violence both in speech and in action of some of the chareidim against each other in the dispute in the tactics relating to the draft of Yeshiva bochurim.

  5. After the shtick he pulled against that family in Lakewood, I wasn't aware that Rav Belsky was still considered a Gadol.

  6. The american agudah wasn't too crazy about the downtown ny anti gius demonstration. They only did it after a specific request of the israeli "gedolim", and even then weren't too eager. They had to get satmar involved, in order to get attendance, organization, funding.

  7. All the more reason to see it as a forgery. Rav Schorr stays away from any public proclamations and anything to do in public. He is the Rosh Yeshiva in Viznitz, and the Rav of a Shul. But for him to be publicly critical of others behavior is way, way out of character for him.

    It's possible it's a real letter - and then some signatures were added.

  8. Confirmed! It's a forgery.

    The signatures of Rav Yosef Rosenblum, Rav Dovid Feinstein and Rav Shlomo Miller also look forged.

    It's also almost impossible that Rav Refoel Shor got involved in a communal matter such as this. He doesn't get involved in communal matters, especially if means criticizing others.

  9. Look in his seforim instead of 'maybe' kol korais.

  10. While everyone makes mistakes, I don't think one should be forgiven for it before acknowledging that a mistake was made.


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