Thursday, July 11, 2013

6 more former students accuse Y.U.of covering up sexual abuse

Forward   Six more former students have come forward with accusations against Yeshiva University, days after 19 former high school students filed a $380 million suit charging that Y.U. covered up decades of physical and sexual abuse. [...]

Shmuel Goldin, a leading Modern Orthodox rabbi, said Y.U.’s response to the allegations has been “prompt and thorough.”

Goldin added, “There is a sadness that everyone feels when people have been hurt, and a sense of solidarity with the victims and a hope this will reach a resolution that will bring peace and healing to all involved.”

But one of the survivors, who is a plaintiff in the lawsuit, does not see it that way. “What’s really crazy about the Jewish community is that nobody cares,” said the survivor, who asked to remain anonymous. “There is a complete lack of interest in this whole thing.”

1 comment:

  1. Good morning,to all the Askans,Vaddniks and so called Leaders of Fakewood, Check out what the Pope did Today. Pedophiles will be punished to the Max. Instead of burying , hiding, covering up these sickness in our community, DEAL WITH IT head on. before the wonderful media can put a very embarrassing and sad spin on your brilliant therapies for sex offenders.I understand that the Ocean county Prosecutor's office is working on a few more TERRIBLE sex abuse cases in Fakewood and I'm sure our Brilliant leaders are doing everything in their Power to cover it up. Remember,the next victim could be your holy child


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