Thursday, August 10, 2023

Maharal:Jews are less likely to change from moral chastisement than goyim

Maharal(Netzach Yisroel 14) I have already explained with clear proofs that the soul is the dominate factor in the nature of the Jew. For example, being stiff necked is one of the bad qualities that Jews have. Practically speaking that means that Jews refuse to accept chastisement and will not listen to corrective advise. This is in fact because they are not essential materialistic. Only something which is materialistic is readily altered. Consequently Jews are very resistant to change and will not accept the advice of others. Furthermore the (Beitza 25b) states that they are the most aggressive and pushy people. That is because they have the power associated with being the defining figure that is separate and distinct from the readily altered material. In contrast the non‑Jews readily change their ways and readily accept correction. The Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin 11:5) therefore explains that Yonah did not want to go on a mission to Nineveh because he knew that this people would readily repent after hearing his chastisement. This would reflect badly on the Jews who stubbornly resisted repenting…

Shemos Rabbah(42:9): What is meant by saying that the Jews are a stiff‑necked people (Shemos 32:9)? R. Judah b. Poloyah said: They deserve to be beheaded. R. Jakim said: There are three who are inherently arrogant and overly self‑confident. The dog amongst animals, the rooster amongst birds, and the Jews amongst the nations. R. Yitzchok b. Redifa said in the name of R. Ammi: You think that this is said disparagingly, but it is really a praise. It means that a Jew will more readily be hanged then give up Judaism. R. Abin said: To this very day Israelites in the Diaspora are called the stiff‑necked people. R. Nahmani said: To prove to you that they are stiff‑necked, you should note that when G‑d was about to give them the Torah it says, On the morning of the third day, there were thunder and lightning and a thick cloud upon the mountain, and the sound of a very loud shofar (Shemos 14:16). G‑d said: ‘I will show them all My miracles, and I only hope that it will be of some purpose.’


  1. What point, in the larger context, was the Maharal and Shemos Rabbah trying to convey when they made the quoted snippets here?

  2. Steve said...

    What point, in the larger context, was the Maharal and Shemos Rabbah trying to convey when they made the quoted snippets here?

    Look up the different sources discussing being stiff-necked starting with the gemora in Beitza. They all indicate a resistance to change and influence - which is why the Torah was given to them and also the reason that they persist in sinning despite rational reasons to the contrary. Thus this is the essence of a Jew - both for the good and bad.

  3. (Beitza 25b) states that they are the most aggressive and pushy people.

    I don't understand this Gemara. I have found goyim from some Eastern European countries among others as being much more aggressive & pushy than the pushiest Boro Park types.


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