Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Daas Torah: Divrei Chaim claimed heretic mislead gedolim to write that they agreed with him

One of the important and relevant problems when dealing with Daas Torah - is the reality of the possibility of Gedolim being misled by information fed to them. In an important tshuva in which the Divrei Chaim insists that ruach hakodesh of wisdom which enables gedolim in each generation to know the truth - he makes the ironic statement when his opponent asserts that in fact there are gedolim who have  written him that there is no longer any ruach hakodesh -  that these gedolim were deceived by this heretic

Divrei Chaim (Y.D. #105)
... Thus we see that ruach hakodesh and the agreement with G﷓d never stopped from the sages who were deserving of this ability. This is also clear from the statement of Rav Pinchas ben Yair (Avoda Zara 20b). And this that is says in Sotah (48b) that after the days of the Prophets that ruach hakodesh was taken away – that means the ruach hakodesh of prophesy but not the ruach hakodesh of intellect and the ability to have one’s intellect be in agreement with the halacha that was given to Moshe at Sinai or Rav Avesar - that never stopped. Only a heretic denies this. And this that he claims that contemporary gedolim have written that ruach hakodesh has totally stopped – I don’t believe that such a statement would be issued by our gedolim. Who knows what this disgusting deceiver wrote them. The truth is that even in our days there is to sages of the truth - who are not influenced in the slightest by the material – ruach hakodesh as is explained in Moreh Nevuchim (2:36) and the Ramban explicitly.


  1. How can there be multiple truths from Har Sinai? How can 2 or more people with ruach hakodesh claim the truth as Moshe Rabbeinu received it on Har Sinai. Moshe Rabbeinu only received one set of laws did he not?

  2. My reading of this Divrei Chaim, is that the DC is saying he there is no credence to the claim that any contemporary Gedolim actually wrote that ruach hakodesh has stopped ("And this that he claims that contemporary gedolim have written that ruach hakodesh has totally stopped – I don’t believe that such a statement would be issued by our gedolim.")

    Furthermore, when the DC writes "Who knows what this disgusting deceiver wrote them", the DC is saying that the deceiver wrote something to the gedolim, eliciting a response from said gedolim, that the deceiver is misconstruing to claim some gedolim said that ruach hakodesh has totally stopped.

  3. IOW, the commentary above the translated DC by R. Eidensohn asserting that the DC is saying that the gedolim were deceived, is incorrect as the DC is not saying that the gedolim were deceived.

  4. the issues of multiple truths is widely discussed see my Daas Torah
    Eddie your understanding is wrong Divrei Chaim didnt mention infallibility

    bem Torarh he didnt say the teacher was a liar but a deceiver

  5. R. DE: Nevertheless, the DC isn't saying the gedolim were deceived, only that the teacher set out to deceive. In fact, the DC specifically says " I don’t believe that such a statement would be issued by our gedolim", indicating the gedolim did NOT fall for the deceiver.


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