Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Dybuk: Accusations against me are based on a forged document

הרב יצחק בצרי
כבר בורר שאתה לא הולך על פי דברי גדולי ישראל בגלל אתה מקיים
בלוג, ולא רק בלוג סתם אבל בלוג מלא אם שקר ולשון הרע. עכשיו גם בורר שאתה  שקרן. הכל שרוצה לדעת את האמת צריך רק ללכת לישיבתנו ישיבת השלום איפה הם
יכולים לראות הפסק דין עם חתימת הרה"ג שטרנבוך שליט"א שהוא נתן לאמהרה"ג
המקובל הצדיק יסודי עולם דוד בצרי שליט"א. תגיד לנו הרה"ג שטרנבוך שליט"א
נתן לך רשות לשקר בשמו

I received the following letter  purportedly from Rabbi Yitzchok Batzri which falsely states that my blog is full of lies and lashon harah and  that in particular I am a liar in claiming that Rav Sternbuch's view is that the so called dybuk is a manifestation of mental illness. He claims that he has the letter in his yeshiva with Rav Sternbuch's signature that he claims Rav Sternbuch gave to Rabbi David Batzri. He demands to know whether Rav Sternbuch gave me permission to lie in his name.

I asked Rav Sternbuch tonight at his grandson's bar mitzva about this "letter". He responded angrily that it is a forgery. If the letter writer has any interest in the truth - he can simply call  Rav Sternbuch and hear for himself.  I don't know who created this forgery but Rav Sternbuch said he did not sign such a letter. It is a shame that this letter writer who claims to be  Rabbi Yitzchok Batzri feels the need to be abusive and  to attempt to slander me when all he had to do was pick up the telephone and be told by Rav Sternbuch that my words are accurate.

It has been suggested that the above letter is quite likely from a troll i.e., it is fake letter sent by someone who is just trying to cause irritation and who feels important by intimidating others. That is definitely possible but there is also no question that Rav Dovid Batzri has the phony letter purportedly from Rav Sternbuch and believes it to be genuine.

I was just informed that Rav Yitzchok Batzri was contacted last night by a member of Rav Sternbuch's family and he was asked about the letter purported to be from Rav Sternbuch about the dybuk. He said he did not have any such letter.  Thus the above letter is phoney. 


  1. R. Eidensohn -

    Why are you convinced that this letter, purportedly from Rabbi Yitzchok Batzri to you, is in fact genuine and truly from Rabbi Yitzchok Batzri? Perhaps this letter to you is a forgery?

  2. This letter that you posted here is written in poor enough Ivrit that I question if Rav Batzri actually wrote it. I'd be more inclined to suspect it was written by someone who is not a native Hebrew speaker. The Sfardim especially have a history of writing Ivrit well. This doesn't come close.

    I cannot and will not say that it isn't genuine based on my meager literary impression; but for myself, I wonder...

  3. Gaslighting!

    Gaslighting is the systematic attempt by one person to erode another's reality, by telling them that what they are experiencing isn't so - and, the gradual giving up on the part of the other person.

    Gaslighting takes two - one person who needs to be in control to maintain his sense of self, and the other, who needs the relationship to maintain sense of self and is willing to acquiesce.

    The Gaslight Effect happens when you find yourself second guessing your own reality, confused and uncertain of what you think, because you have allowed another to define reality and tell you what you think -- and who you are.

    Gaslighting can be maddening in the early stages and soul destroying when it fully takes hold.

    Unfortunately, you have in the past shown your willingness to acquiesce under pressure (ie. the Gumshoe lawsuit threat and the Rav of Houston relatives)) so now you are a prime target for gaslighting and you will continue to be a victim unless you stand up for what you believe in, forcefully and fearlessly.

    When you behave in a way that is fearless about what you sincerely believe in, you will be empowered and you will opt out of gaslighting.

    You ask your shailas, you know right from wrong, you are a distinguished and respectable scholar, you are a yiras shamayim, you do not have to be a victim of gaslighting (or pop psych for that matter).

    Hatzlacha Rabbah, Hazak u'Baruch.

  4. Has Rav Shternbuch gone to see the affected Avrech? If not, on what basis is he claiming it is a mental illness? An askan?

    Has he heard words coming out of this Avrech which appear not to be from the Avrech's voice box? If not, perhaps that needs to be investigated.
    I'd like to see a video of this apparent manifestation.

    Surely if there is an allegedly forged letter, Rav Shternbuch can also directly ring Rav Batzri and let him know of that, and at the same time advise Rav Batzri directly that he believes this is some mental illness.

    We aren't searching for some lost gniza fragments. Let the two Rabonim get together at Rav Batzri's Yeshivah with the Avrech, privately, and ascertain the facts!

    This issue is confounding!

    PS. I haven't got a clue, and I am sure neither do others, regarding whether this is a dybuk or some medical condition.

  5. Unfortunately, this is an all too common occurence. People forge Rabbis names on things all the time.

  6. When I read the title of this entry, I thought it meant that it is the purported dybbuk who accuses R' Batzri of forgery.

  7. Who wrote that Hebrew above? It poorly written, and has grammatical and spelling mistakes. Something is fishy here.

  8. The Post's headline is confusing sounding like the Dybuk is the one who was slandered by Batzri. Did it actually complain about this too?

    On that note, did Rav Sternbuch's ruling that mental illness is the cause of the problem apply to the "possessed", to the Rabbis who were exorcising, or to all those who believe in the dybbuk?

  9. I am fairly certain that this letter is from Troll. My reasons are as follows:
    1) I don't see R' Y. Batzri trolling blogs and feeling the need to defend his father's honor in the comments section.

    2)From my interaction with R' Y. Batzri I don't seem him stooping to insults.

    3) From my experience with R' Y. Batzri, I think he would have gone straight to the respective sources with his evidence. In other words I think he would have emailed the blog owner directly with an attached copy of the letter in their possesion. Likewise I think he would have gone directly to R' Shternbuch(they live in the same city and all).

    No I think we have a troll that feels the need to defend R' Batzri's honor no matter how.

  10. Recipients and PublicityJanuary 11, 2010 at 1:34 PM

    Dybuk, shmibuk!

  11. Rav Eidensohn-

    The best way to discourage the kind of shtus you allude to is to simply ignore it.

    There is no need to publicize the psychological dysfunctions of a shakran.

    This kind of behavior (sheker masquerading as Emes Milmaalah) is a kind of pathology that cannot be fixed.

  12. v Eidensohn-

    The best way to discourage the kind of shtus you allude to is to simply ignore it.
    Sometimes that is true. But he had sent it to others who needed to hear that the letter was fake.
    I also wanted to make people aware thatpeople sometimes offer proof from documents which are not valid as well as claims that a gadol said something which he didn't. I think this is more of a problem with internet. Worse than anonymous postings are those that claim to be someone they are not.

  13. This entire episode, which causes the head to spin of even the most humble yid, to me is proof why we are forbidden to "peddle" in certain types of information. The Yezer Hara can come up with all kind of clever tricks why it's justifiable to publish Troll letters.

    Then again, my Yezer Hara loves this blog so who am I to judge. ;-)

  14. The letter is undoubtedly a forgery. Any second grader knows the difference of "IM" with an aleph and "IM" with an ayin. Then the word "BARUR" is misspelled "BORER". LOL! I can't believe anyone would fall for this joke! Same with the letter from Rav Sternbuch. There are obviously too many people in Israel with too much time on their hands that spend their time forging letters and leaking "statements" from the "gedolim". Rav Eidensohn probably feels like he's back in grade school.

  15. Has Rav Shternbuch gone to see the affected Avrech? If not, on what basis is he claiming it is a mental illness?

    Because he is gadaol and not gullible like you. He does not have any interest in father Merrin, father Carras or Pazuzu


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