Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Mussar - Shaming others less competent

Berachos(3b): R’ Yehoshua ben Levi said that one should not discuss any matters in the presence of a dead person except those matters directly concerning the deceased. R’ Abba bar Kahane said that this prohibition only applies to speaking words of Torah but there is no problem to speak about mundane matters. There is an alternative version that R’ Abba bar Kahane said that the prohibition applies also to words of Torah and surely it is prohibited to speak about mundane matters.

Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld zt”l told me in the name of Rav Yitzchok Hutner zt”l that this gemora is not limited to the case of speaking in the presence of the dead. It also refers to the prohibition of speaking sophisticated Torah analysis or doing any other activity in the presence of people who don’t have the background or ability to comprehend or participate - and are therefore shamed.
:ברכות (ג:): ואמר רבי זריקא אמר רבי אמי אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי: אין אומרין בפני המת אלא דבריו של מת. אמר רבי אבא בר כהנא: לא אמרן אלא בדברי תורה, אבל מילי דעלמא לית לן בה. ואיכא דאמרי, אמר רבי אבא בר כהנא: לא אמרן אלא [אפילו] בדברי תורה, וכל שכן מילי דעלמא

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful idea and coming from R Friefeld zt"l(after reading REB SHLOMO) it makes perfect sense.


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