Monday, March 3, 2025

Minyan – non observant Jews

 Igros Moshe (OC I #23) I was asked if in an emergency whether those who profane Shabbos can be counted to make a minyan. I answered that according to our accepted halacha views they can be counted. Just as the law of Kiddush HaShem requires giving up one’s life in the presence of ten Jews nd likewise one can not say a davar bekedusha with less than ten. So since one can be obligated to die in the presence of ten Jews even if they are not religiously observant but are Jews as we learn from the spies (Sanhedrin 74) who were openly deniers which is worse than violating Shabbos it is obvious that those who violate Shabbos can be part of a minyan to say Devarim shebekedusha

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