Tuesday, March 11, 2025

“Ha’Rotzeh Lichanek, Hitaleh B’Ilan Gadol”: Notes on some Literary forgeries of Jewish works in the the Late Modern Period (1756-1965)


The classic source regarding literary forgeries in Jewish writing is that of the Talmud Bavli, Pesachim 112a:“Rabbi Akiva commanded Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai to do five matters when Rabbi Akiva was imprisoned […] if you wish to strangle yourself, hang yourself on a tall tree.

“This proverb means that if one wants others to accept what he has to say, he should attribute his statement to a great man.”

1 comment:

  1. “אם בקשת ליחנק – לומר דבר שיהיה נשמע לבריות ויקבלו ממך. היתלה באילן גדול – אמור בשם אדם גדול.”

    According to Rashi’s interpretation, this source permits fabricating a quote from an authority in order to be believed"

    human nature being what it is, this means that no human tradition is 100% liable, not even that by rabbis


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