Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Last Straw

I am not sure this is about paper versus plastic. It seems more about the doctrine of the anti-Biden.


  1. Another misinformed article. Biden did not ban plastic straws but rather banned them from government food distribution programs. Why has flippant attitude to any program designed to protect the briah of the ribono shelf oiam become a frum value?

  2. Man swallowed by whale

  3. The problem with the ecofascist ideology is that it denies that there are any consequences for "going green". Paper straws (which we are forced to use in Canada, thank goodness for Amazon getting me real ones) fall apart halfway through a drink and are made from trees which is stupid because we're supposed to be planting and growing trees to absorb CO2, not cut them down so I can enjoy a Coke.
    Fabric shopping bags produce more CO2 to manufacture than plastic ones and are far more polluting because they can't be recycles and take up way more space in landfills.
    Electric vehicles have to be drive for years before the pollution required to make them is offset by the lack of CO2 emissions. In addition, unless you live in a place with nuclear or hydroelectric power, you're still fueling your car with fossil fuels, just indirectly so you can feel good about yourself. Never mind the slave labour to get the rare materials needed to make the cars or enriching fascist China which is a threat to the West and Israel.


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