How Long Until We Get the Heavenly Message?
13 Shvat 5785/ Parshas Yisro/ January 11, '25
How many more of these appeals - such as this one, for eighty-six war-widows - need we see before we get the Heavenly message?
Do we really care about Israeli boys - and girls - getting killed? Do our actions truly reflect that?
For one example, has the widely-touted manpower shortage in Israel prompted those clamoring for expansion of the military draft to - extremely belatedly - even reconsider the world's most successful Jew-Vs.-Jew Genocide Policy, namely Israel's abortion-on-demand law (two million plus preborn infants killed, with no end in sight, R"L)? Where are all of the right-wingers when you really need them?
In general, how should a Torah-adherent Jew look at the current plight in Eretz Yisroel, and our role?
Let's just start with this humble suggestion:
To better defend against the myriad of never-ending physical attacks from Arab surrogates - and their western enablers - we would be advised to gauge the severity of the risking of innocent life from Dovid HaMelech's reaction to the risky efforts to obtain water for him, in Shmuel II 23:16-17 (see Metzudas Dovid*).
* "הדם האנשים ההולכים בנפשותם..." מצודת דוד: "... הלא דם יחשב!"
Without doubt, many of our brothers (of whatever level of religious observance) are, willing to not only risk - but even sacrifice - their very lives to rescue hostages and protect fellow Jews. However, how seriously are we communally taking their safety? We all know that immorality - and (how much more so) its' governmental legitimization - repels the Divine Presence, thereby endangers lives (Dvarim 23:15), and leads to expulsion from Eretz Yisroel (VaYikra 18; see Ramban 18:25). Yet, we persist in allowing - often even enabling - institutionalized depravity to march onward in the ostensibly Jewish State.
So, precisely what does it say about the country if these boys and men are being sent into grave danger - without doing everything we can to end the ongoing Heavenly accusations against us over our communal failure to combat the governmental sanctioning and promotion of sexual immorality, and its' associated pandemic of abortion-on-demand? Pervasive examples of Israeli institutionalization of immorality include:
° LGBTQ legislation, including the post-Oct.7th bill recognizing surviving same-sex "spouses" of Sodomist Israeli soldiers;
° drafting girls and women - especially non-observant ones (held by the Brisker Rov as even worse than drafting Torah-observant girls, both requiring sacrificing one's life to avoid transgression thereof, Yai'horaig ve'al Ya'avor);
° massive abortion-on-demand, including "free" Army abortions;
° co-ed Army units;
.° Army exposure of Hesder boys/men (single or married) to girls exercising, singing, etc;
° and government funded and facilitated propaganda targeting spiritually vulnerable high school girls (generally associated with the "national religious" camp), proselytizing enlistment in the Army.
How many more sons, husbands and fathers "need" (sic) to be lost R"L to barbarians before we finally stop the bleeding of our People? And all of this - after 16 months of constant funerals - in a war fought under a government that markets itself as both "religious" and "rightwing"?
Should our communal role here be to indulge ourselves in virtue-signalling - by praising others for endangering their lives to protect ours - while we're being communally derelict in not genuinely, properly protecting theirs? Instead, should we not, at least, exit our comfort-zone just enough to raise awareness of how WE need to do our part to meet our obligations to those who are being sent into grave danger for us - by vigorously protesting the tolerance and promotion of anti-morality policies - policies that, according to the Torah, come with a 3,300-plus-year guarantee of bringing down Divine Judgment on violators?
Additionally, the recent Mediterranean tsunami alert should logically draw our communal attention towards communal repentance, away from the self-adulatory, hollow, bravado bluster about military "victory" over the Arab surrogates of billionaire western genocidalists. More specifically, our Sages (Talmud Yerushalmi, tractate Brachos 9:2) identify the abomination of sodomy as one of the causative factors behind earthquakes.
Instead of prompting us to proper communal repentance, Israeli soldiers killed in the war have tragically become fodder for virtue-signalling fundraising emotives like this:
Is this the best we can do? Instead of making yourself feel good by paying good money for decoy* causes, like planting trees for deceased soldiers - why not do something genuinely meaningful to protect the lives of the living - like protesting and otherwise combating the Israeli mainstreaming of depravity and abortion-at-whim?
Those who would like to help raise awareness about such issues may contact us (see below).
May we see nechamos and yeshuos in the merit of doing that which the Torah demands.
* Even if there is a place for such tree- replenishment campaigns, let's not cheapen them by utilizing the deaths of soldiers as a campaigning technique. It distracts the tzibbur from what they should be prioritizing.
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