Sunday, January 19, 2025

Shin Bet chief: This is a 'no-choice' deal

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar says at Cabinet meeting that the hostage release deal is difficult and that he himself arrested some of the terrorists who will be released, but justifies implementation of the deal by the momentum created.


  1. One could suggest a drastic solution.
    Make a list of everyone who approved this deal. Keep it going forward. Every time one of the released terrorists kills a Jew, randomly select one of the family members of the people on the list and shoot them. Let's see how fast they'll say "Well, you know, hard decision but we had to release them..."

    1. Yannai? Well he did it because he held that they violated "Asher yorucha"

    2. Do you think it's ok to kill a few people today because maybe in the future it will save more lives?
      That's what Reb Elchonan wrote, except he was saving possible future spiritual levels

    3. One could suggest that you are a complete idiot

    4. I'll bet you that this little fan club I've accumulate here is composed of black hatted, payos swinging learners who only eat meat with three or more hechshers but have no problem with insulting people they don't agree with. Zo Torah, zxo s'charah

    5. Because one thing we see over and over at least here in North America is parole boards magnanimously (that's a big word for you, Iron Fans) releasing violent prisoners who then, within a short time, either beat, rape or kill someone and I sometimes wonder - if the parole board had to take responsibility and share in the punishing, as in the criminal gets 5 years in jail and so do they - would they be so generous in letting out scum like this do just so they can feel go about it?

    6. It's probably the same guy ...


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