Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dealing with a stupid Corrupt Narcissist

Whether they are simply acknowledging political reality or aligning themselves with a new zeitgeist, many titans of tech and industry who backed Democrats in previous elections are now lining up to support Trump.

This appears to be the new tactic adopted by former foes of the president: butter him up, and he’ll butter your toast. Call it loyalty or egotism, Trump’s penchant for rewarding perceived allies may just be the ticket to former enemies getting favorable treatment by his administration.

What’s the prize:

The pharma industry is looking for funding to support research on cancer medications. Bourla asked Trump to secure dollars from both government and the private sector. Pharmaceutical companies also face increasing moves on Capitol Hill to reign in the cost of brand-name drugs, their key moneymakers.


  1. first time in history this happened?

  2. Mishpacha appears to like portraying Trump in a crown. This is the second such cover in recent weeks.

  3. Misplaced Trust [Imperial Moment / Issue 1045]
    I was shocked, disappointed, and flustered! I thought I was subscribed to a magazine that believes in Hashem. But then I saw the cover of Issue 1045, where a man of flesh and blood is turned into a Caesar-like figure that will save the world from all its problems. Do we not believe that lev melachim v’sarim b’yad Hashem? Yes, everything in the world happens because of Hashem. Yet here we have a magazine that is supposed to be the voice of the frum community, idolizing a man who has disgusting middos, who spent his whole life chasing kinah, taavah and kavod. The only Being Who decides everything good, and all that which looks to us as bad, is Hashem! Yes, we have to have hakaras hatov for all the good Trump has done for us. At the same time, we must daven to Hashem that this human being uses his bechirah correctly. It is time we stop portraying him as a lord, and put our faith back into the L-rd.

    Rabbi Weisbrod


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