Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cosmetic Plastic surgery

Igros Moshe (CM II:66) Question:  Is a young lady permitted to make herself more beautiful by Plastic Surgery? A women who wants to be more desirable for marriage through plastic surgery is this permitted since it involves wounding the body which is prohibited? Tosfos says it is prohibited to wound oneself even if it serves a constructive purpose.  However we see that a Nazir is permitted to destress himself by denying himself wine so why not this. It is logical that where a person will benefit financially or other benefits by causing himself suffering through denying himself wine that it is not prohibited so why not wounding the body? We might explain that refraining from drinking wine for some other benefit is not considered distress since the compensenatory benefit is greater than the suffering. However wounding the body causes actual suffering which is not diminished by the possible benefits. However it seems from the Rambam that wounding is prohibited only when it involves degradation and embarrassment to another.  So if if it is done to beautify oneself it should be permitted. There a number of sources that support this view such as a son performing medical procedures on his father and the prophet Micha asking to get hit as repentance according to G-d  In conclusion it appears that plastic surgery would be permitted for beatification which is a benefit to her. Rashi says the gemora clearly permits a son bleeding his father because of ve'ahavta  since it is something a person  would want done to himself and therefore is not even prohibited. In conclusion since this is for her beautification and her benefit and she wants it there is no prohibition. 

1 comment:

  1. Rambam mentions "bleeding" ie by leech, which was a normal practice in the past.(He only says on certain days it shouldn't be done).
    How about plastic surgery for men?
    Or hair transplant?
    Tooth implants ? (Causes pain)..


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